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Steam Guide | Steam Curator | Bulgarian VersionSteam Profile


What will I see in this document?
- Tips for tackling the most common technical issues in the game (ERRORS/CRASH).


My problem is not written in this document, what should I do?
- If this is true, send me your log and I will review it when I have time or write to TruckerMP or Steam (there I will also answer you).


1. "Error “Exected: ver 1.3x.x.xx"

If you play ETS2 via TruckersMP, this error may be familiar to you.
- WARNING !!! If you have the cracked version of the game, I recommend deleting it!

- Check the version of your game, it should not have any beta versions
if you want to play online!


- Check if mod (truckersmp) is installed in partition: C:\

Make sure you have set the correct game folder (when it asks where ETS2/ATS is located


2. “can not create game process"


Check out your version of the game (you can't play TruckersMP with Beta Version)

Check your video card drivers.

Try to open TruckersMP as an administrator!



3. I can not register in TruckersMP/TrucksBook!?

You must have 2 hours of play!

You can NOT play with the cracked game !!!

You need to make your public profile:


Steam > Edit Profile > My Privacy Settings and look these two things - "my profile | public", "Game Details | public" and uncheck the box!


4. Why the game kick me when I pick up a trailer?

TruckersMP do not support Special Transport DLC, 
or you have a skin that is not yet supported by TruckersMP.
To avoid this, just do not take a load that has an oversized load band.


Do not take those if you want to play online!!!

5. Steam - Error ...(look the scr)


1.Add the folder to "Exceptions" of your anti-virus program.

Windows 10 - W. Defender
- Open Windows Defender Security Center as described above.
- Click on the Virus & threat protection icon.
- Click on the link Virus & threat protection settings.
- Scroll down to Exclusions and click on the link Add or remove exclusions.
- he following page will open, click on the button Add an exclusion. 
and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder.

- Open your Windows ESET product[support.eset.com].
- Click Setup and Computer protection.
- Click the gear icon next to Real-time file system protection and select Edit exclusions from the context menu.
- Click Add and Browse (...)
- and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder and click OK.


2. Once you've added the game as an exception to your anti-virus, run a Steam game file check.



6. “Euro Truck Simulator Stop Working” !?

Here's the solution to this problem:

A) If you have mods that are not from Steam:
"Documents \ Euro Truck Simulator 2 \ mod" -check them one by one!!!

If you have Steam mods:
Your account (you will see the right of your badges below)
"Items in the workshop")> Subscribed items> Check out the latest mods and unsubscribe!



7. “The game filesystem failed to initialize"


1. Add the folder to "Exceptions" of your anti-virus program

Windows 10 - W. Defender
- Open Windows Defender Security Center as described above.
- Click on the Virus & threat protection icon.
- Click on the link Virus & threat protection settings.
- Scroll down to Exclusions and click on the link Add or remove exclusions.
- he following page will open, click on the button Add an exclusion. 
and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder.

- Open your Windows ESET product[support.eset.com].
- Click Setup and Computer protection.
- Click the gear icon next to Real-time file system protection and select Edit exclusions from the context menu.
- Click Add and Browse (...)
- and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder and click OK.


8. Useful commands in Multiplayer

/blockpm - Block or unblock private messages

/pm <id> <message> - Send a private message to the player with <id>.

/r(eply) <message> - Reply for last private message (sent/received).

/(p)layers - Show amount of players online.

/pinfo <id> - Get information about player with <id>, useful for reporting.

/channel <id> - 0 => disabled, <1, x> => channels.

/time - Show current server time.

/(s)earch <name> - Find players by <name>.

/(s)earch(t)ag <tag> - Find players by <tag>.

/(h)elp - Display list of commands.

[Y] - Open chat.
[X] - Voice chat.
[F9] - Toggle chat.
[TAB] - Show near players list / settings / report ability.
[F11] - Toggle nametags.


9. “microsoft visual C++ runtime library”

Write "CMD" in search of programs.
When you open the console, write the following:

cs windows
cd system32
bcdebit / set increaseUserVa 2800

10. How can I change the number of the truck?

Login in World of Trucks
- Select a region from the drop-down menu and write the number you want to your right!
- You have to wait a while until the numbers are accepted by the game
(try rebooting the game).


11. “Connection Error”



- Download and install - Microsoft Service Pack 1 [x86/x64]
- Add the "open as administrator" option in TruckersMP.
- install the updates and you're done!
!!!WARNING!!! if not work, look at the task manager for the background apps.


12. Allow Game Launch?


This happens when you want to enter the game but you have forgotten to first enter/login in STEAM.


13. Unable to find any job SP/MP


Go to My Documents\Eurotruck Simulator 2\profiles

Open the config.cfg in the profile folder and open with Notepad/wordpad

Look for uset g_developer "0"

Look for uset g_console "0"

Change the "0" to a "1"

Save the file (NOT save as)

Load your game and profile

. Press ~ key

Type in "uset g_force_economy_reset "1"

Save your game and exit

Reload the game and your recent saved profile

Open the console by pressing the ~ key and pressing the up arrow

Repeat step 9 but change the "1" to a "0"

You should now get the "Game change detected" message

Your economy should now be reset



Useful topic? Ratings help people find this guide and supports similar content.

The document will be updated soon!

My guides on Steam: English & Bulgarian version. ^^

Edited by Mr.Necrotic
Information update
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Thank you for your great guide

  • Thanks 1




  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the tutorial :tmp:❤️

Mo1993  -  TruckersMP ❤️

Languages: English | German

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

 Kind Regards,,





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Thanks dude! 


                                                                                                                                                                                   Kind regards,






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Guest DBus_David.

This is very good, thank you very much for your guidance.:HaulieLove:

  • 1 month later...
On 8/21/2018 at 6:26 PM, Mr.Psychopath said:


What will I see in this document?
- Tips for tackling the most common technical issues in the game (ERRORS/CRASH).


My problem is not written in this document, what should I do?
- If this is true, send me your log and I will review it when I have time or write to TruckerMP or Steam (there I will also answer you).


1. "Error “Exected: ver 1.3x.x.xx"

If you play ETS2 via TruckersMP, this error may be familiar to you.
- WARNING !!! If you have the cracked version of the game, I recommend deleting it!

- Check the version of your game, it should not have any beta versions
if you want to play online!


- Check if mod (truckersmp) is installed in partition: C:\

Make sure you have set the correct game folder (when it asks where ETS2/ATS is located


2. “can not create game process"


Check out your version of the game (you can't play TruckersMP with Beta Version)

Check your video card drivers.

Try to open TruckersMP as an administrator!



3. I can not register in TruckersMP/TrucksBook!?

You must have 2 hours of play!

You can NOT play with the cracked game !!!

You need to make your public profile:


Steam > Edit Profile > My Privacy Settings and look these two things - "my profile | public", "Game Details | public" and uncheck the box!


4. Why the game kick me when I pick up a trailer?

TruckersMP do not support Special Transport DLC, 
or you have a skin that is not yet supported by TruckersMP.
To avoid this, just do not take a load that has an oversized load band.


Do not take those if you want to play online!!!

5. Steam - Error ...(look the scr)


1.Add the folder to "Exceptions" of your anti-virus program.

Windows 10 - W. Defender
- Open Windows Defender Security Center as described above.
- Click on the Virus & threat protection icon.
- Click on the link Virus & threat protection settings.
- Scroll down to Exclusions and click on the link Add or remove exclusions.
- he following page will open, click on the button Add an exclusion. 
and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder.

- Open your Windows ESET product[support.eset.com].
- Click Setup and Computer protection.
- Click the gear icon next to Real-time file system protection and select Edit exclusions from the context menu.
- Click Add and Browse (...)
- and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder and click OK.


2. Once you've added the game as an exception to your anti-virus, run a Steam game file check.



6. “Euro Truck Simulator Stop Working” !?

Here's the solution to this problem:

A) If you have mods that are not from Steam:
"Documents \ Euro Truck Simulator 2 \ mod" -check them one by one!!!

If you have Steam mods:
Your account (you will see the right of your badges below)
"Items in the workshop")> Subscribed items> Check out the latest mods and unsubscribe!



7. “The game filesystem failed to initialize"


1. Add the folder to "Exceptions" of your anti-virus program

Windows 10 - W. Defender
- Open Windows Defender Security Center as described above.
- Click on the Virus & threat protection icon.
- Click on the link Virus & threat protection settings.
- Scroll down to Exclusions and click on the link Add or remove exclusions.
- he following page will open, click on the button Add an exclusion. 
and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder.

- Open your Windows ESET product[support.eset.com].
- Click Setup and Computer protection.
- Click the gear icon next to Real-time file system protection and select Edit exclusions from the context menu.
- Click Add and Browse (...)
- and add ETS2 Folder or steamapps folder and click OK.


8. Useful commands in Multiplayer

/blockpm - Block or unblock private messages

/pm <id> <message> - Send a private message to the player with <id>.

/r(eply) <message> - Reply for last private message (sent/received).

/(p)layers - Show amount of players online.

/pinfo <id> - Get information about player with <id>, useful for reporting.

/channel <id> - 0 => disabled, <1, x> => channels.

/time - Show current server time.

/(s)earch <name> - Find players by <name>.

/(s)earch(t)ag <tag> - Find players by <tag>.

/(h)elp - Display list of commands.

[Y] - Open chat.
[X] - Voice chat.
[F9] - Toggle chat.
[TAB] - Show near players list / settings / report ability.
[F11] - Toggle nametags.


9. “microsoft visual C++ runtime library”

Write "CMD" in search of programs.
When you open the console, write the following:

cs windows
cd system32
bcdebit / set increaseUserVa 2800

10. How can I change the number of the truck?

Login in World of Trucks
- Select a region from the drop-down menu and write the number you want to your right!
- You have to wait a while until the numbers are accepted by the game
(try rebooting the game).


11. “Connection Error”



- Download and install - Microsoft Service Pack 1 [x86/x64]
- Add the "open as administrator" option in TruckersMP.
- install the updates and you're done!
!!!WARNING!!! if not work, look at the task manager for the background apps.


12. Allow Game Launch?


This happens when you want to enter the game but you have forgotten to first enter/login in STEAM.


13. Unable to find any job SP/MP


Go to My Documents\Eurotruck Simulator 2\profiles

Open the config.cfg in the profile folder and open with Notepad/wordpad

Look for uset g_developer "0"

Look for uset g_console "0"

Change the "0" to a "1"

Save the file (NOT save as)

Load your game and profile

. Press ~ key

Type in "uset g_force_economy_reset "1"

Save your game and exit

Reload the game and your recent saved profile

Open the console by pressing the ~ key and pressing the up arrow

Repeat step 9 but change the "1" to a "0"

You should now get the "Game change detected" message

Your economy should now be reset



Useful topic? Ratings help people find this guide and supports similar content.

The document will be updated soon!

My guides on Steam: English & Bulgarian version. ^^



11 is out of date. please update!!!

  • Upvote 1


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