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Suggestion Name: Add a  mandatory written driving test when you register a new account

Suggestion Description: 


There are some drivers that don't know the rules of the road, they don't know when to stop and when they have right of way, my suggestion it's to add  a written driving test  that a new user must pass with at least 80% to register on truckersmp . This questions must be valid booth on TruckersMP and   real life, so if one person studies to pass the exam on truckersmp he will learn some valuable things about road signs, lanes and other stuff he can also use in real life 


If possible it will be great if people who didn't pass the exam to be allowed to play on the non-collision server for like 2-3 days than try again. 


Any example images:   


I'll put some examples I'll like to see in the quiz, 



Q1)  Image  Are you allowed to drive straight ahead ? 

A1) a) Yes .b) No c) Yes and the traffic behind me must give way


Q2) Image Do you need to stop to give way ?

A2) a) No because I drive on the priority road .b) No because I'm driving fast c) Yes because the traffic light it's red


Q3) Image Is the driver of the purple tanker allowed to turn left?

a3) a) Yes .b) Yes, if he signals his intentions c) No because  he's on a forward only lane. 


Q4) When you start your vehicle from outside a road (grass / dirt / etc) you must:

a4) a) Give way to all traffic on the road before moving on the lane b.) Start as fast as possible to not disturb the road traffic c) Signal you intention, give way to all traffic on the road than move to the lane. 


q5) When you drive and you see a pilot car with beacons approaching , you must:

a5) a) Stop and let the pilot car pass ,  ,b)  Drive slower and let the pilot and it's convoy  pass, c) Drive normally  





Why should it be added?: as above

  • Upvote 2



First of all, thanks for your time to come up with and to write a suggestion for us to think about.


However, unfortunately something similar like this has already been suggested, and we will not add something like a 'survey'.

It's just a game, and whether we would add a survey or not, most people will most likely not learn from it anyways.

Also please use the search function.


We look forward to any other suggestions you may have.



tfmpillow | Retired Team Member

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