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Ranks of the TruckersMP Community


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Hello, dear Truckers!


Many of you are probably interested in our community's structure, who is responsible for what, what work there is behind the screens and much more. You can read information regarding the structure of TruckersMP on this topic where every rank will be explained. We would like to emphasise that you should, please, remember that everybody who is part of the TruckersMP staff is a doing voluntary work without being charged. In that sense, we dedicate our own spare time to this project which means that some processes might take some time because they have to be done properly to ensure the best quality.


First of all, here is an image of our rank structure regarding the staff team (click on the image to open in full size):





This is a communication chart, not a promotion chart. Please note: This chart is not up-to-date!



As you will easily notice, we have a rather complicated system. That is why it is time to get into details!






Developers are the people who develop the mod, i.e. write the multiplayer code (client/server/others) or develop web pages. They deal with servers and/or databases. This rank actually is the most important one but that does not mean these people control all the straws. The Developers will not really take care of everything. That is the rest of the team's job. It is not worth to write to Developers in order to appeal a ban, apply for the TruckersMP team or even write about anything else that is the rest of the team's job. However, it is worth it to contact them when you have discovered some weird bug in-game or on the website, which causes crashes or strange situations, and it has not been noticed by anybody else yet. Additionally, these people are responsible for the implementation of the Add-On Team's content in the game.



Project Manager


The Project Manager is in charge of the entire staff and the project as a whole. The future of the modification is being planned, as to where we want to go with it together with the Developers. This person is directly in charge of all the teams' Managers as well as the Community and Game Managers. Additionally, the one possessing this rank listens to feedback from our staff, such as new features for the website or new rules, and from our community in regards to the project itself. He makes sure all teams are running well and that the project has a bright future.



Project Coordinator


Project Coordinators assists the Project Manager in leading the project. They share almost the same exact duties, but Project Coordinators have less decision making permissions. Where a Project Manager makes all decisions, a Project Coordinator can assist them in doing so and helping with whatever is needed. 



Service & Data Analyst


The Service and Data Analyst is responsible for analyzing the TruckersMP processes and procedures and look for gaps in the service and points for improvements. They will then work on proposals to improve these so that the experience for players and team members alike improves. Next to that, the Service and Data Analyst also works on providing team internal and public dashboards that can be consulted to see how the team and community are doing.



Add-On Manager


Add-On Managers are in charge of the Add-On Team. Mapping and modding are the main responsibilities which need to be reviewed and checked. The improvement of currently existing things is also one of the main tasks. If you have an idea that must necessarily be part of the Multiplayer, you can contact this person. As every other team's Manager, the recruitment process is being overseen to ensure that new people possess enough qualities to help TruckersMP get even better.



Community Manager


Community Managers are responsible for a good connection between the community and the staff team. They answer many of the community-related feedback tickets on the website to ensure players are having a good time. On top of that, they interact with the people on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Hand in hand with the Media and Event Manager, they plan many things to promote a certain event or project to make the mod more appealing to the public. If you have any issue or problem, you can always contact a Community Manager and he will do the best to help you. These Managers will inform you about new activities, events and other news items by writing blog posts or announcing things on the above-mentioned platforms. All VTC related work such as VTC page moderation or verification is part of their job.The Community Management is also responsible for a positive atmosphere, you should contact them if you have a problem with certain punishments or feedback in general. Note, however, that ban-related inquiries are being dealt with by the following group of staff, the Game Managers.



Support Manager


Support Managers control the support panel on https://truckersmp.com/support - They make sure people are being helped accordingly by checking the help section of this forum or the above-mentioned support panel. As Managers, they are in charge of recruitments, hiring new Support Trainee's and promoting people to Trial Support and/or Full Support. Any inquiries related to the TruckersMP Support Team is supposed to be dealt with by them. Feedback tickets regarding the Support are also worked on. If you have any questions or issues, make sure to write to them.



Community Moderation Manager


Community Moderation Managers deal with all Forum and Discord and community-related moderation inquiries. The Community Moderator team is under these Managers' control and in that sense, the recruitment will be managed by them. They ensure that the proper people are being hired to help moderate the Forum and Discord. Should there be any issues, a feedback ticket can be submitted which will be handled accordingly.



Media Manager


Media Managers deal entirely with the Media Team staff by ensuring that new content is made and is published. For instance, videos, screenshots or similar assets are created. Additionally, the recruitment for the Media Team is being controlled. During official convoys or events, they make sure that their team is on the scene to take awesome footage for social media memories or to celebrate a successful event afterwards.



Game Moderation Manager


Game Managers are simply responsible for everybody on the team with the Game Moderator rank, whether they are Trainee's, Report Moderators, Game Moderators, Trainers or Leaders. This role additionally is in charge of the official set of rules regarding the game aspect, special events and temporary event rules. You should contact a Game Manager in case of power abuse by Game Moderators or if you have feedback about them. The Game Management is also responsible for transfers from another role to the Game Moderation team. If you want to complain about a kick or ban, a declined report or anything else regarding the in-game aspect, you are definitely contacting the correct people when asking the Game Managers!



Event Manager


Event Managers deal with the creation as well as the organisation of public events and staff-internal convoys. Everything regarding an event is dealt with by him. They ensure that the Event Team is dealing with Convoy Control tasks properly. Lastly, they are coordinating the teams' tasks with the Media Manager to make sure that everything is working hand in hand.



Translation Manager


Translation Managers are in charge of all of our Translators. They make sure everything released to the community is available in different languages! Assets, posts and blogs will be available in different languages so everyone in the community knows what TruckersMP is up to. Translation Managers have experience in working with different languages. Any inquiries relating to translated resources should be forwarded to them.




Game Moderator Leader


Game Moderator Leaders help out the Game Managers by being in charge of a smaller subset of Game/Report Moderators. The Game Moderator Leader will check their activity, coach and provide help or tips to any Game/Report Moderator who needs them. Since this is mainly a rank containing internal work, you should not be messaging these people unless you want to know something about the rules in case no other Game or Project Manager is available at the time.



Game Moderator Trainer


Game Moderator Trainers are responsible for delivering the training programs to our new Game Moderation Trainee's. They deliver training based on the duties of a Game Moderator, carry out tests and examples with new trainees and teach them how to deal with real situations that they may come across as part of their work. They provide support, advice and feedback to trainees once they've finished their training, and monitor their daily work to ensure quality and professionalism. Similar to the position of Game Moderator Leader, this rank is mostly internal.



Game Moderator


Game Moderators are responsible for banning people from the game and kicking them if needed. This rank deals with both the website-reports and the (probably more exciting) in-game aspect and game-reports. They keep our servers safe from trolling players if a report gets reviewed. Additionally to the in-game report system, we have a system on http://truckersmp.com/reports/create as well where you can post proof of players breaking the rules such as ramming somebody or blocking the highway. Please ensure that you have sufficient evidence in form of a video, though. The website-reports are a major aspect of the Game Moderator's work as every single one of them will certainly be reviewed. However, due to the high workload, it can take quite some time which means you should remain patient.



Report Moderator 


Report Moderators deal with reports on the website and appeals related to the issued bans. Report Moderators do not have permissions in-game, but works on website reports only to get an idea of what the Game Moderator job will be like and which situations may occur in the game. In that regard, training and experience are gained to face decisions more quickly once the in-game permissions are being granted.





Trainees are those who applied for the Game Moderator rank, either from the team or from the public. Trainees are required to go through a training before actually becoming a Report Moderator, and eventually a Game Moderator. A few days of basic training and testing of common sense are the main idea of this rank. The Game Moderator Trainer who takes care of an Trainee, transfers all his knowledge to this person. Every question and inquiry will be answered so that a Trainee is ready to start working on website reports and appeals once the permissions are given.





Support is a very important role within the team since those people provide technical assistance to users who urgently need it. Starting as a Support Trainee, they will learn about the job and will fill out a test to see if they are of value for the Support team. After this, they will become Trial Support, where they are helping people both on the forum and the support panel under https://truckersmp.com/support . If you cannot log in to the launcher, get a connection error or simply experience other technical difficulties, you can submit a ticket and they will help you as soon as possible.



Trial Support


Trial Support is a role people will have to go through before becoming a full Support team member. In this period, they will learn all about the job and learn how to respond to people who experience technical issues. Should you have any issues, they will take care of your support ticket, or questions you may have on the forum.



Support Trainee


Support Trainees are those who applied for Support, either from the team or from the public. They have to go through this rank in order to get taught about how to keep up professionalism and how to do their future tasks as a Trial and Full Support team member properly. Their training sessions will be observed and led by the Support Management.





Translators are in charge of translating assets and posts for the community. Making sure the community understands what is going on at TruckersMP. They are experts in the languages they speak. They work under the supervision of the Translation Manager to help the community. You may not see their work directly, however they are always busy with translating things. 



Trial Translator


Trial Translators are those who applied for the Translation team, either from the team or from the public. Each new member of the Translation Team will have to go through this role in order to improve their skills during the training period. Their entire work is monitored by the Translation Managers to ensure the quality of each translation until it is shared to the community.



Add-On Team


Add-On Team members do the same as the respective Managers. The mapping and modding is a major aspect of this team's work and in that sense, they provide the community with amazing creations to enhance the gameplay experience of TruckersMP.



Event Team


The Event Team ensures that our events run smoothly and efficiently by providing guidance to players participating in our official events. They also help with the initial planning of these events. Loading saves and being the convoy control, which sometimes involves the privilege of driving the police car, is another task of this team. Event planning skills are always required and in that sense, these people know a lot and can help out where needed.



Community Moderator


Community Moderator is a rank which covers more than just one rank. Under this rank lies Discord Moderator and Forum Moderator and they work either on Discord or the Forum. Depending on the needs, Community Moderators deal with one of those main platforms to ensure that everybody is adhering to the rules. Appropriate punishments are being taken in case of a rule violation. Regardless of which main aspect they focus on, you can always contact one of them if you have something inappropriate to report. Please make sure that you have enough evidence when doing so. Since they do not have any special permissions, it is pointless to ask them about anything ban or appeal-related.



Media Team


The Media Team creates many assets for our social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Twitch). During an official convoy or event, they make sure that proper footage is being taken to present it to the public afterwards. If you are an expert in terms of editing videos, Photoshop or have any other media-related skills, you should certainly make sure to send them your creations to support their work.





Members of our community! On the forum, players can be seen as either 'Driver', or 'Veteran Driver', ranked to VI. In short, this is you!



~The Community Management


tfmpillow | Retired Team Member

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1 hour ago, H4ppyPT said:

open Game Moderators recruitment


The Game Management will know when it is time for it to open. However, there are some Trial Game Moderators at the moment and also 4 Observers as you can see here. This means it is currently not very likely that new people are required. Either way, if you want to address this question to the three Game Managers directly, feel free to open a feedback ticket. More information regarding that system can be found here.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Very helpful to see the command structure in TruckersMP! Very interesting to see. Thanks for posting!

  • 2 weeks later...

thank you for the information. And Do your think to include the role of discord mod?


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