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Lost profile



Hi. I was messing in my profiles in documents earlier today and accidentally renamed one of my profiles. This made the profile i renamed disappear ingame, and i didnt notice that before i just started up my computer now. Im unable to hit CTRL+Z since the comuter was turned off. I still have all files from the last user but i dont know the long combination of the profile in my documents. Since i have all the files i tried making a new profile and paste all the old files into the new one. But my new profile didnt change to the last one that was lost. So i really need help!! And i dont want to start over in ETS2.

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Hey friend 

I will try help you 


Do you have your profile in Singleplayer? Because if it isnt there it most likely got corrupted.


If you want a new profile what is ready for Multiplayer you can use this:



So basically what Truck was saying, is that you might have forgotten to back up your Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Profiles > [Profile], so when you reset your PC for the installation, it was deleted and no traces will be found, or during the backup process something happened and your profile got messed up. 




^Nope, not really - there is some chance  - ETS2 and ATS make backup of your profiles in their folders at My Documents - Just use one of the backups (usually the backups are named profiles(version here).bak )



Good luck !!

Kind Regards





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Guest Cowie

Hello, put your entire profile folder in the euro truck simulator 2 profiles folder. Your profile folder should be a series of numbers. Once you have put that in your profiles folder, restart your game. It should appear.

In the case that this does not work out, you can use a save game profile which I will link below.


Kindest regards,
-ccowie | TFM Presenter

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