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Hello Buddy,

Please try this:

Login steam and go to Library,right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2,click properties button. 

after,click DLC,after untick "VIVE LA FRANCE" DLC's and re-installed.


  • Go to your steam profile and click "Edit Profile"


  • My Privacy Settings>PUBLIC  I    Game Details>PUBLIC



Don't remember,Vive la france map dlc here:


  • 0

Hello :)

Please try and uninstall the affected DLC and install it again to try and fix this problem.


1. Open steam, go to library and right click on ETS2. Then click properties. https://prnt.sc/gkc5m1

2. Click the DLC tab and un-check all the DLCs which don't work https://prnt.sc/gkc5m1

3. Wait for them to uninstall then check the boxes again for them to install again

4. Wait for them to install again. 

5. Open ETS2 and check that all DLCs work


If this doesnt work then then verify your file integrity.


1. Follow up to step [2] in the above list but click "Local Files" tab

2. Click "Verify file integrity" 

3. Wait for steam to verify

4. Open the game and test DLCs.

(verify your DLCs from here https://truckersmp.com/profile/settings/redirect/dlc)

Remember your steam profile is set to Public (Steam profile -> Edit profile -> My privacy settings, and make sure that both My profile and Game details are set to Public.)

  • 0
Posted (edited)

And make sure these DLC where bought and downloaded off steam and nowhere else. Also when you load your game give it 10-15 mins to be sure all DLC have set up right.


Edited by Frosty11S
Removed part that is already mentioned
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hello,try this solution

If you have still problem .. 


Please you follow my steps  

1.Go to steam library,right click on ETS 2 ,then click on properties

2. Click the DLC tab and un-check all the DLCs which don't work http://prntscr.com/gkc5m1

3. Wait for them to uninstall then check the boxes again for them to install again.

4. Wait for them to install again. 

5. Open ETS2 and check that all DLCs work


When you have still a problem?

So again , you follow my steps 

1. Go to steam library,right click properties.

2. Click "Verify file integrity"  http://prntscr.com/gkc6jb

3. Wait for steam to verify

4. Open the game and test DLCs.

I hope,that this solved your problem  



Also you can try uninstall the launcher and install-ed again  

1.Please you go to This Computer folder - Program Files - TruckersMP

2.Please you open folder ,which have a name TruckersMP Launcher

3.Next ,there is uninstall , so you click on it  Here is photo : https://imgur.com/a/J3cCiGh

4.If you have it done ,then you can go to Documents-ETS 2 MP and ATS MP folders deleted.

5.You have it ? 

6.So you can go to Webside TruckersMP  - truckersmp.com

7.As next you can downloaded a multiplayer version again . Link is here : https://truckersmp.com/download



Good Luck !!

Best Regards 

Soul Knight:)


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