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When i update TruckersMP and run it, next i click login and i saw error where i saw: "Invalid password or email" So i reset password and it work for forum and website https://truckersmp.com/ but on launcher TruckersMP it doesn't work. Can you help me guys what i must do?

12 answers to this question

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Hello :)


Family sharing isn't supported and access gained via family sharing is revoked when the login checks for ownership.

Buy the game and rack up 2 hours then you can get access to the mod again.

Please try typing your email @ and your password into notepad and copy it and then paste it into the Email/Password field using Ctrl+c,Ctrl+v.---


1-) Your e-mail address from a Steam account must match the email address used when you registered on TruckersMP site.
2-) Try to reset your password and log in again. https://truckersmp.com/auth/password/reset

3-) You should not use Family-Sharing.
4-) there are known issues if you use special characters such as ä,ö,ü or what ever whcih is not English default alphabet.
(This may also apply for your email if it contains special characters)
5-) Please write a support ticket here https://support.truckersmp.com/

Hope this helps! 


Best Regards,

Languages/Diller:  tr.gif (primary)gb.gif 

Useful Links/Önemli Bağlantılar: TruckersMP Rules/Kuralları | Recrutiment/İşe alım | Knowledge-base/Bilgi bankası 

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Please follow these;
1-)If your login information work for https://truckersmp.com/ but you can't login ingame you should try one of these fixes. 
2-)First of all make sure you're logged in with the same Steam account which you were on when you registered at TruckersMP.
3-)Open notepad or a text editor.
4-)You need to write 2 rows, on 1st your email, on the 2nd your password.
5-)Now, copy the email from notepad and paste it in the ingame login screen using keyboard shortcut keys (CTRL+C for copy, CTRL+V for paste)
6-)Do the same for the password.
8-)If the solution didn't work, you must have a strange character in the password that can't be recognized by the login system ingame.
9-)To bypass this problem, you should change your account password to only latin letters (a to z) and digits (0-9). Please notice that by doing this your password might lack in strength.
10-)In order to change your password, you must login at https://truckersmp.com/ press Edit Account, insert the new password twice confirm the old password twice and then press save data.
11-)I hope that one of these fixes worked and you`re now able to login ingame.
If the problem is not solved;
The End -)You can create a ticket. https://support.truckersmp.com/




yoou can look at this topics:



  • 0

Hello there, please try these ones.



Solution 1)

Change your e-mail address. There is a known issue that some of the e-mail addresses do not work when logging into the MP client. Change your e-mail address of the account to one that will work with the MP client. An example would be Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail account.


In order to change your e-mail address, you need to contact Support team and have them change your e-mail address. Simply create a new ticket and ask them to change your e-mail address for your account.


Support can be accessed here:



Solution 2)

Make sure that @ symbol is working when you're logging into MP. Sometimes it's easy to miss that you have not entered the @ symbol for your e-mail address when logging in. If that's the case, you need to either hold down ALT and type 64 (using numpad) to create the @ symbol, or copy and paste one into the login screen.


Solution 3)

Don't use special characters for your password. Try to change your password to use normal letters (A-Z) and numbers (1-9) and try to log in again.


Solution 4)

Make sure you're logging in with the correct Steam account (the one that is linked with your ETS2MP profile).

  • 0

Hi there


Please try this :)



If your login information work for TruckersMP.com but you can`t login ingame you should try one of these fixes:

First of all make sure you`re logged in with the same Steam account which you were on when you registered at TruckersMP.

Open notepad or a text editor.
You need to write 2 rows, on 1st your email, on the 2nd your password.
Now, copy the email from notepad and paste it in the ingame login screen using keyboard shortcut keys (CTRL+C for copy, CTRL+V for paste - ~ Please notice that these shortcuts may be different in your country. If they don`t work, please inform yourself how you can do it on google ~).
Do the same for the password.

If the solution didn`t work, you must have a strange character in the password that can`t be recognized by the login system ingame.
To bypass this problem, you should change your account password to only latin letters (a to z) and digits (0-9). Please notice that by doing this your password might lack in strength.
In order to change your password, you must login at TruckersMP.com, press Edit Account, insert the new password twice, confirm the old password twice and then press save data.

I hope that one of these fixes worked and you`re now able to login ingame.
If they didn`t, please let us know, together with a brief description of what you did.

Looking forward to hearing from you,



Kind Regards

Total EDM

Support Team :)

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ooooooooooh xD - im know now when i read first point XD. Im logged in my second account where i have avaliable from my 1st account ETS2. 


-ok ty for help. I'll try now xD

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Hello @Prorog


Has your problem solved?


Let us know ! 

                                                                                                                                                                                          Sincerely, El_Bras!leño

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Portuguese - English - German


  • 0

Hello @Prorog


Please open a ticket at this website with your problem: https://support.truckersmp.com/

                                                                                                                                                                                          Sincerely, El_Bras!leño

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Portuguese - English - German


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Hello, there have been several answers given and you have not marked the best one. Please mark it.


Also, for the others, please do not go off-topic, you won't get more attention ;).

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