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Remove the rule 2.5 " Driving outside of the map boundaries is not permitted"

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Suggestion Name : Remove the rule  "Driving outside of the map boundaries is not permitted "

Suggestion Description: In the truckersmp rules, there is a rule called " Driving outside of the map boundaries is prohibited. This includes spots inaccessible by normal driving unless the player has Game Moderator permissions. " I believe this rule is inappropriate and need to be removed.

Any Example Images: Nope.

Why Should It Be Added: The truckersmp rule is for everyone to have a wonderful game expericence, and i highly respect the rule of banning people who breaks traffic rules in the game, because they create disconfort to other players. But if I drive outside of the game boundaries without any mods or hacks, I don't create disconfort to other players. They drive their trucks for fun, while I explore the map for fun, what's the contradict here? If they are interested, I can even show other players where I drive outside of the map boundaries, and we can have fun and make friends together. I don't see the reason of banning people who simply drive outside of the map in curiosity and explore. And meanwhile,the rule of excluding the case of having "Game Moderator Permissions" sounds even more ridiculous. The map is here, we are free to go anywhere we want, because euro truck simulator 2 is a game with high freedom, so this rule is not appropriate.


If you want to explore the map just for fun, you can do so in singleplayer. It is not realistic by any means to drive around on rivers or anything similar. There are rules everybody has to follow in order to ensure proper gameplay. If you really want to explore the map with another friend, you are free to use the Europe 4 server as §2.5 does not apply there. Either way, the rule will not be removed.



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