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C-D road is dying?


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I think the C-D road is only popular on EU2, I went there when EU3 was almost full with players. And was able to drive without stopping or incidents.
Went there 2 or 3 times to check. 

Also because the GPS is now guiding people via the highway, a lot of mindless goons :P, that just follow the GPS, are not going through the C-D road.

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it is very difficult for this road to die this way, especially on the eu2 server.:lol::lol:
In this period from December to February, there are a lot more players because of the period of vacation of players that were occupied in the schools, that is, many children in the place.
Now they leave much more circulation of trolls and traffic jams much more frequently.

  >  Raaphael   <   

Veteran Driver VII

?   ?  ? ? ?   ?

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Trust me if you weren't on eu2 then I think you were seeing things. It also depends on what time of the day you go, busiest time is probably 5-7 pm.

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According to the time you posted that (I assume it was showing it using the timezone in my profile settings), and that it was during week day, I'll just say the server might have been far from being full. Also the C-D road is mostly packed during server rush hours on Europe #2 server. Those hours are prolonged during weekends and holidays.


Is C-D really dying? No, not anytime soon sir! I've been driving down that road for over a year I believe.


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C-D is the most popular road in the game.

They gonna close earlier the server than the road there. :troll:



pssst. Its now 10:23h (utc +1) and the situation is: Calais - Duisburg (Road) - Moderate (98)

"You seemed like the ,,veteran” that knows everything. Not like a war veteran, just a guy that was long enough to know how it works"

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