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Good day,

I have problem with kicked 10 s not use light and shut donw engine (same DMG)

How do I turn on light if my light on and only engine donw? why do I get  kicked due to engine not start due to stupid player ramming me? Whot do I doing this situacion?
Thank you help

PS: please not send info about turn on. I have on light. Fead block due to not write about contact feadback (thank you)

test link:

10 answers to this question

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There is an option that let's you turn on the electricity  before the engine. That way if your engine dies, your lights stay on. This is useful if you cant find an place to stop. This option is located in the Gameplay tab > start engine and electricity together. Just deselect the box behind it. :)

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9 hours ago, [TUG] Harley said:

Hi {ConSecGroup]Onino(CZ),


The only chances to get not kicked is  -> Use F7 + enter

Or if you are not at the Road between Calais - Duisburg try to turn 

to the standing lane so you have to stop your Truck and try to start

your engine again.

Just this both things are helps to get not kicked.



Thank you. I make stop if have more DMG my truck (more 50 %). I drave with cca 50 % DMG an start bettwen 10 and 5 s before kicked. 

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9 hours ago, [LKW Tr.] Akoa said:

Hello @{ConSecGroup]Onino(CZ)

They won't disable that feature, but I give you an advice that I use everyday. If your truck/car turns off because of the damage and you get the ten second warning, pull over in a place where you don't bother anybody and wait until your truck/car turns on.

Hope to be useful, happy trucking!

Thank you. if I have more DMG stop on the nearly road a waiting to continue (only more DMG).
if have same DMG I think nor problem start.

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12 hours ago, Tommie59 said:

Existuje možnost, že necháte zapnout elektřinu před motorem. Pokud váš motor zemře, vaše světla zůstanou svítit. To je užitečné, pokud nemůžete najít místo k zastavení. Tato volba se nachází na kartě Hratelnost> Spusťte motor a elektřinu společně. Zrušte zaškrtnutí políčka za ním.:)

Thank you
The first start light and second start engine.

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