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Confess Time :)


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Lets little have fun , and confess about multiplayer :) when people make you angry what do you do ?


Mine ; sometimes if somebody make me angry  ( for example if somebody use his horns behind me long time)  I am opening my signals , suddenly use my brakes or  close my  engine and they hit me :D later they go to service :D


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Há 30 minutos, [SK] - TeR * NOYAN28 disse:

Pouco se divirta e confesse sobre o multiplayer :)


Meu; às vezes, se alguém me irritar (por exemplo, se alguém usa seus chifres atrás de mim há muito tempo) Estou abrindo meus sinais, de repente uso meus freios ou fecho meu motor e eles me andando como :Deles vão ao serviço:D

when I come across this situation that you described. I let the player overtake ... until suddenly ... another player comes in the opposite direction and hits it. (Funny Moment):D

  >  Raaphael   <   

Veteran Driver VII

?   ?  ? ? ?   ?

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Just now, [SK] - TeR*NOYAN28 said:

@Bull[NL] yes my friend you right .  but sometimes . Really some people deserve it . If they use horn behind you , ( if not spam ) that is not a ban reason or report reason . I am going with 100 km or 120 . They disturb me . So angry 

That is the problem with many people, action is reaction they say.
I just follow my way, if I can not continue my way through his actions, then there is a report for him.



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@MettleMeat I will not be sad , dont worry , we are all human not a machine . Here is forum we were saying our ideas , here all people are free . I didn't say that " hey people use your brakes for hit people " . I said " sometimes if people make me angry " . If you see my wrong things , report me . I driving with rules . 


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On 12/5/2017 at 11:34 AM, [SK] - TeR*NOYAN28 said:

Mine ; sometimes if somebody make me angry  ( for example if somebody use his horns behind me long time)


When I'm not limited to 90 and under the speed limit, I'll often drive 10-20 kph over the limit.  If someone sits behind me flashing their high beams and spamming their horn for an extended timeframe (longer than a full minute of honking at least), I will just drop down to the speed limit.  It's hilarious the amount of players that have had a tantrum and started whining in the chat because I'm now going slower but still obeying the speed limit.

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