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Hi , i recently just started on euro truck simulator 2, i wanna know how do people get trailer for their convoys thru mod and how do they have the trailer after downloading the mod? Like do they take job offers or something? any help would be ideal! thanks

13 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

You could change your jobs list order to destination and then go to P for xample and get a trailer going to Paris (using f9 in dev cam to teleport)

If you set the cargo to destination when you want a trailer for a convoy then the destinations will be in alphabetical order so you just have to look for a job going to whatever city you are going to ;)


If you don't have dev cam - https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=61852

If you are going to do this tho you will need to go into MP first in order to get MP and SP time the same so your job won't be late


I usually just get any trailer and cancel it after the convoy tho (but I have over 80 million now so cancelling trailers is np for me)

Edited by Killua // Ireland ^_^


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If you're referring to getting the same job as other players, there isn't an official way to do this (yet™).


That being said, there are un-official programs of which can offer this function:


I personally use Virtual Speditor, you can find a guide of which was written by me, below:

Another one is a tool called ETS2Sync: 


If you've got any further questions, feel free to ask.

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In addition to what @Mirrland said you and your friends can also use this to look really uniformed :)



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Sorry if i mislead you, i mean i just wanted a trailer for convoy, not same jobs as others, err just like get a trailer for convoy after that dispose it away?

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Okay then if what I'm interpreting what you're asking is correct then the answer your first question is no. They're no convoy specific trailers. All trailers you see being used in convoys are either vanilla trailers or trailers re-skinned/painted or in the case of here custom trailers made from parts of other trailers. I hope that answers your question. :3



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^ That’s not really possible.

I mean, you could just get a heavily modded profile of which has a large amount of money. 


In fact, the only way of coming close to what you want is if you were to have a modded profile. For instance, I have one legitimate profile and one modded, whereby I’m able to cancel the trailer when I’m finished using it, etc.


An example of a modded profile for ETS2 can be found here: 



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In reply to Fumiko, yes i understand abt the concept of entering single player to find jobs and accept it then go MP. But when i download the mods like many suggested , i am unable to get a trailer. For example there was a convoy yesterday from London to Paris and they required a trailer, so when i download trailer mods into my mod manager, i dont have jobs that have destination to Paris. :(

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That is as stated before there are no 'convoy specific' trailers so when you download the mod all that happens or should happen is that the mod replaces your normal vanilla trailers inside the game - that's it -. With your example what you could have done is get the mod, do the usual installation, then go about looking for a destination like normal...OR use @Mirrland's program here to manually input your pick up and drop off points :) 
So to go over the points raised.
1) The Modded trailers that you may see VTCs require only replaces normal trailers in-game. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
2) So that means apart from visuals everything about the process to get a trailer is the same.
I hope that clears up any misunderstandings :)  


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I’d like to provide another way, which was not mentioned before. 


It is possible to own trailers. That means you have a trailer assigned, but you don’t have a job and you can go wherever you want with it.


There are some ways to do it:

- You can do it yourself by save editing

- You can use TEDIT, a tool which can create such owned trailers 

- You can use the little tool which I have created. 


Some links:

owners trailers by save editing


my tool


If you are interested in this solution, you can ask at any time for more information ;) 

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Hi guys thanks a lot for helping i found a way to solve the issue m, which is to use an app called Virtual Speditor which allows me to get jobs from and to where i want. Do you guys have any idea on 0 damage mod? Wanna use it for multiplayer thanks :))

  • 0
Posted (edited)

The 'No-Damage' mod is available here.

Just ensure that you do not intentionally ram anyone whilst using the mod - This is then classed as 'Hacking' as you're exploiting the fact that you're allowed the mod in the first place.


If you get caught, the length of the ban will be significantly higher than a ban for ramming alone.

For more information, check out the TruckersMP In-Game Rules.

Edited by Mirrland

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