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We are pleased to announce support for the latest SCS patch:

ETS2 : [d6893b8f540b]
ATS : [d6893b8f540b]



Support for DAF Lift DLC

Support for Double Trailers.


KNOWN BUGS (Will be fixed within the next few hours with hotfixes):
* Broken Police Beacons | To Do
* Collision / Sound Remain After Truck Disappears | Investigating

* DAF Purchase Crash | Fixed
* Plates Issue | Fixed
* CB Radio Issue | Fixed
* DAF Tuning Crash | Fixed

* Kicks for Double Trailer after cancelling a double job and teleporting to a garage out of Scandinavia. | Fixed

Make sure to read up on the rules. It is very important to keep the double trailers and jobs limited to Scandinavia DLC area.


  • Like 6
  • Thanks 4

Traffic Cameras : twitch.tv/kat_pw | Ets2Map : ets2map.com
Kat_pw Status:image.png[CCTV #1] Status:image.png[CCTV #2] Status:image.png[CCTV #3] Status:image.png


I see the update says 

Support for DAF Lift DLC

Support for Double Trailers. 


Me and 2 buddys see a triple trailer every time we try to pull it we get kicked says we have to many trailers?. is the triple ingame a glitch or somthing?



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