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Suggestion Name: Ability to change servers without restarting client

Suggestion Description: Same as name

Any example images: No

Why should it be added?:

This feature should be added for the easr of users. For example if you drove to a convoy but are in the wrong server it would be easy to switch. Additionally it make managing groups easier.


Hello, unfortunately, I have to tell you that is it very unlikely that TruckersMP is going to add something like that.

With the least effort, I found those topics which were already rejected in the past:





As you can see, other players have already thought about that but it will not be implemented as of now.


Hello, unless you are using a potato to play TMP, it doesn't take too long to switch servers by closing MP and restarting; more of an inconvenience.  Therefore. I don't really see it as a necessity or priority to add to the MP in my opinion.  

I also think that if you are driving and switch servers, you could end up causing chaos by changing servers (maybe to a busy one) and causing collisions whilst still loading in.  


As I stated in the reply above, this had been suggested before and it is not going to be implemented as those suggestions were declined previously.



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