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Hello, while i'm doing a quick job in the online servers it failing on it because of the time


it always shows that it took me 90000 hours to do the job... 


why is that?


Thanks for helpres.

4 answers to this question

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I'm guessing you took the job in SP then went into MP?


If you want to do that, log into MP then rest / fast travel / f7+Enter. Save and exit game. 

Start game in SP and take the job (that way your SP is in-sync with the MP servers). Save and exit game. 

Log back into MP.

If you did it right, you should get about the same duration minus about +/-5mins depending on how long you took to switch from MP to SP and then back to MP.


Have a good one and as usual, happy trucking~

 Ex - GM & FM (S.E.A)

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The server is always on, and time always moves in MP. If you take a job in SP, you won't be accurately lined up on MP. I have two duplicate profiles. Both are exactly the same, one for MP, one for SP. The SP one has 10 hours played and 18 in game days finished. The MP one has 13 hours played and 3777 in-game days finished. Whenever you load into MP from SP, the time passed from a shipment won't reset. It will keep counting, even when you aren't there, so you should never leave MP while finishing a shipment.

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