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Hi Dear member 


Please try these methods:


1. Reset your network adapator


This page will guide you through what you need to do and explains for different Windows operating systems as you scroll down.




You type 


·         netsh int ip reset reset.txt

·         netsh winsock reset

·         netsh advfirewall reset

In to a DOS window (Comand Prompt).


Clearing the ARP Cache https://techjourney.net/clear-delete-and-refresh-arp-cache-entry/

Resetting your network adapter http://www.home-network-help.com/netsh-winsock.html

Clearing your DNS Cache https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+To+Clear+Your+DNS+Cache

Changing DNS to Google's Public DNS, https://www.techworm.net/2016/08/change-default-dns-google-dns-fast-internet-speeds.html


You can also try resetting the Winsock Catalog


step 1: click on windows search program and type "cmd" enter

step 2: once you're in, type "netsh winsock reset catalog" enter

step 3: type "netsh int ip reset.log hit" enter

step 4: restart your computer





Then if you have still problem please look at this topic 







Created by @BurakAKSAKAL Thanks 

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