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Suggestion Name: Realism Mods
Suggestion Description: Add Mods To The Server That Make The Game More Realistic, Such As Reallife Trucks/Trailers, Graphics Mods ect, just to make the game have that bit of extra realism, but make sure people dont have a choice if they want the mods on or not, force the mods on everyone.

Any example images: Nope.
Why should it be added?: So it can make peoples trucking experiance more realistic.

Nah, - 1 me me, it will increase lagg and for example:

Person A likes the Scania T and dislike the scania 143.

Person B likes the scania 143 and dislike the Scania T but he is forced to the Scania T.

This will caution an community split aka the dead of the multiplayer mod.


I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


If you wanted realism, you should ask for first born son if someone wanted a truck with over 500+ hp...

Although, like winter mod, Atak_Snejpera's Realistic Lighting 2.2 would be nice as optional "without snow raining"

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early



lets keep it friendly.but yeah i dont think the lagg and discussions going to workout.



Adding trucks is not such a bad idea,you can use them if you like them or not if you don't.It could add variety to the gam having more trucks to choose.Force them replacing other trucks? Bad idea.

Maybe in the future, right now i don't this think should be on the high priority list seeing mod's actual state.


I´m surprised how many people suggests things without even caring about others that already suggested similar or even exact things. Let´s try to find similar suggestions before posting anything, we will get a fast asnwer. :)


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