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[b]Suggestion Name[/b]: InGame CB Radio
[b]Suggestion Description[/b]: Hello, I know there are probably a lot of suggestions for this and i am sorry i didnt search but mine may be different. I like to play a mod for battlefield 2 called Project Reality. In this mod they have managed to integrate mumble into the mod. This does not require a server or people to be on the server but i am not entirely sure how they do it but it includes local chat e.g. CB radio for truckers say up to a mile. It also has squad chat e.g. maybe a 'join a group' menu in ETS MP. and also has several other channels that can maybe be restricted to admins. Now i am sorry i dont have much information on this and how to do but they managed to do it from scratch as BF2 did not have this default so i am hoping it may be possible for this mod. 
[b]Any example images[/b]: N?A
[b]Why should it be added?[/b]: It should be added as it would be a great feature for truckers to socialize and gain information. I do realize that you own a Teamspeak server but i thing that the addition of an in game chat would boost the realism and allow everyone to keep in touch.


P.S if this suggestion is accepted, be sure to put radio noises if possible :D


  Lil Ruski.


+1 Haveing a Radio you can talk with another truckers is awesome.  ;)

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[b]Suggestion Name[/b]: InGame CB Radio

[b]Suggestion Description[/b]: Hello, I know there are probably a lot of suggestions for this and i am sorry i didnt search but mine may be different. I like to play a mod for battlefield 2 called Project Reality. In this mod they have managed to integrate mumble into the mod. This does not require a server or people to be on the server but i am not entirely sure how they do it but it includes local chat e.g. CB radio for truckers say up to a mile. It also has squad chat e.g. maybe a 'join a group' menu in ETS MP. and also has several other channels that can maybe be restricted to admins. Now i am sorry i dont have much information on this and how to do but they managed to do it from scratch as BF2 did not have this default so i am hoping it may be possible for this mod. 


[b]Any example images[/b]: N?A

[b]Why should it be added?[/b]: It should be added as it would be a great feature for truckers to socialize and gain information. I do realize that you own a Teamspeak server but i thing that the addition of an in game chat would boost the realism and allow everyone to keep in touch.


P.S if this suggestion is accepted, be sure to put radio noises if possible :D


  Lil Ruski.

That might be possible if you add a commando like /cbradio 2 were 2 is the channel. When you do type in that commando it will be searching if theres any people on that specific channel or if there is people nearby. 

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