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Suggestion: Make Trucks non collision on server join for 1 minute

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Is it possible to make it so you are a non collision truck for 1 minute on logging into the server?


I have twice today been going along a motorway when some idiot logs in smack in the middle of the road causing me to crash into them and damage my truck beyond repair.


If you can't stop the utter fools who log out while in the centre of the road can you at least make it so we can't ram them when they log back in. Obviously I reported the first guy but there is absolutely no point in reporting a single player as all admins are always in EP and I've never seen a kick from a report I give.


Could you use the format?

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I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


Yep thats a planed future!



Can't wait!


I'm still amazed that it happened to me not once but twice in one gaming session. That's some serious bad luck for me.

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+1 This is something we should have in-game, so people can stop flying away.  :P

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Yep thats a planed future!

Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. For the legit players it would be helpful, but for the 'trolls'.. here's quick example; major jam at EP 'troll' causes it, leaves moves further back into the line knowing that there's others there and logs back in = 100% guarantee to cause more havoc. All they have to do is wait out the time for it to end.


Yeah, sure the fact if you log out of the game you're now forced to close the whole program, reopen and login/load until you're back in. Regardless, it doesn't take that long to get back. If anything, although it has nothing to do with this, that whole process is more of an annoyance than helpful when you go afk for a few minutes to find you get kicked because of that f-stupid implement but anyway.. I'm digressing. 



Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. For the legit players it would be helpful, but for the 'trolls'.. here's quick example; major jam at EP 'troll' causes it, leaves moves further back into the line knowing that there's others there and logs back in = 100% guarantee to cause more havoc. All they have to do is wait out the time for it to end.


Yeah, sure the fact if you log out of the game you're now forced to close the whole program, reopen and login/load until you're back in. Regardless, it doesn't take that long to get back. If anything, although it has nothing to do with this, that whole process is more of an annoyance than helpful when you go afk for a few minutes to find you get kicked because of that f-stupid implement but anyway.. I'm digressing. 

maybe a maximum login attempts or something would fix giant abuse.but yeah now trolls just overtake it in incomming traffic..



Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. For the legit players it would be helpful, but for the 'trolls'.. here's quick example; major jam at EP 'troll' causes it, leaves moves further back into the line knowing that there's others there and logs back in = 100% guarantee to cause more havoc. All they have to do is wait out the time for it to end.

That would actually be an improvement over the current situation. Currently, a troll can relog inside a player at an EP jam without waiting a minute.

That would actually be an improvement over the current situation. Currently, a troll can relog inside a player at an EP jam without waiting a minute.

I see what you're saying and I agree it would improve the majority of situations, but one situation I think that this wouldn't help is when the road(s) into and out of EP are gridlocked; even if only one side is jammed up it's still possible. What I'm getting at is, say someone or a group intentionally causes a jam outside EP and they logout after they've made sure the jam is long enough so that it won't clear in time. All that person(s) has to do is come back, move further down the line and wait a minute until the no collision period is up with the end result being the same.



Let's sit back and think like a troll for a moment, scenerios people... 


Scenerio #1 (Troll)


1. I am in line of EP

2. I decided to abuse this and log out

3. I log back in and I have ghost option

4. I move as a ghost through lots of trucks since I'm a ghost

5. I decided to stay inside another truck just for fun

6. Boom goes that player up in the air.


Scenerio #2 (not a troll but lazy guy):


1. I am in line of EP

2. I decided to abuse this and log out

3. I log back in and I have ghost option

4. I move as a ghost through lots of trucks and use it shortcut since I'm a ghost

5. I hit on something on the turn or could not turn my trailer and immunity timer ended

6. Boom goes that other truck up in the air.



Scenerio #3 (Legimate user):


1. I am in line of EP

2. I crashed / urgency afk so I logged out

3. I log back in and I have ghost option

4. A troll or lazy to hit brakes guy see me as ghost, decide to move through me.

5. He stays in that position and boom goes my truck up


You might say there are admins for that, best they will get a ban for a day or two, and they will continue abusing it whenever they see lack of admin activity. Exactly like speed hackers are more "visible" when there are less admins around. 


Scenerio #1 and #2 is not even improvement or current situation, easily and faster abusable. May be, "only may be" , if a truck is collided with another truck, if developers can do newly logged truck unmovable till other truck goes out of its collision, that might a choice, which is far long shot and probably does not worth effort to code. 


Best thing for "relogs" will be teleporting to closest NCZ, may sound long-way but only safe way, sorry...

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early


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