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Posted (edited)
Suggestion Name:
 Maximum Speed for cars
Suggestion Description:
My suggestrion is to make speed limit for cars about 140KM/H

Any example images:

Sorry don't have any

Why should it be added?:

Many users and me have enough players in cars which overtaking trucks mainly down country roads and then they lose stability; and rollover; and then they blocking all road; and then making traffic jams. This idea was mentrion in this thread https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/30483-police-public-car-update-info/&page=27#comment-416343 and user @[GB]pete_agreatguy said its not bad idea

Other reasons why should be added is amount of trolls will decrease same as amount of swearing words that ussually happen in those kind of traffic jams.


Edited by DiZiO
  • Upvote 9



So @DiZiO, you are telling us that you want to make cars slower than trucks which will be able to overtake cars with approximately 20 tons cargo?

Very interesting but I assume this is never going to happen. At least not for such low speeds...


This is just my opinion, even though it wouldn't even be that bad.


Kind regards ;)

Posted (edited)

140 KM/H is not slower than trucls but is going to decrease amount of cars that are laying upside down around the bend. If you drove skoda you will know what I mean by it because around 145KM/H there is no stability in cars


Edited by DiZiO
  • Upvote 3



Yeah, the cars' physics have always been a problem..

But on the other hand, Scanias will drive very stable at 160 or 170 km/h on Scandinavian highways. (As far as I can tell from several overtaking players)


And I was referring to the fact that TRUCKS are going to be able to overtake CARS if they (cars) can only (!) drive up to 140 km/h.

You probably misunderstood my intended meaning there, sorry.


Let me try to get this straight, do you want to limit them because you and others(not mentioned any names except one) are bugged off about the cars and that you consider them to be in your way etc?


Have you tried picking up a cargo and delivering it in less populated areas on the servers? If you consider the cars to be a problem whilest others might not then perhaps you could just try to drive in less populated areas on the servers or choose a server with fewer players on it to avoid running in to cars. As I am Scandinavian I usually drive up in Sweden and Norway on the servers and have also tried out the Viva La France DLC and I would say that there isnt really a lot of cars up nor down there, most of the cars tend to stick where it is "fun" to be as in Calais - Duisburg road or Europort, Rotterdam etc.


So as said, perhaps you should consider moving away from those areas a bit just to help yourself, I guarantee you that Scandinavia and France is much more beautiful to drive on than the Calais - Duisburg road.

  • Upvote 1

That's what desire is, the need for what we can't have.

The need for what's readily available is called greed.


Yes indead I misunderstood it

But now think about your self, lets say you are driving 160KM/H, you got a bend front of you then just 20 metres front of you there is scoda which just laying front of you.

You got 3 options as follows

1. Drive into it damage truck + trailer

2. Try to missed by overtaking (other line) chance of you getting down on the floor and chance of getting ban because you are blocking because as the same time admin comes in and bans you

3. Going on the hard shoulder (in some cases into row which you would be able to go out where again you are blocking and admin could be there


5 minutes ago, Noxii said:

Let me try to get this straight, do you want to limit them because you and others(not mentioned any names except one) are bugged off about the cars and that you consider them to be in your way etc?


Yes laying down country road, blocking.


6 minutes ago, Noxii said:

Have you tried picking up a cargo and delivering it in less populated areas on the servers? If you consider the cars to be a problem whilest others might not then perhaps you could just try to drive in less populated areas on the servers


I usally driving south and east of the europe and scandinavia. 


8 minutes ago, Noxii said:

 or choose a server with fewer players on it to avoid running in to cars.

I hate when there is not traffic at all in game otherwise I litteraly can fall a sleep


9 minutes ago, Noxii said:

most of the cars tend to stick where it is "fun" to be as in Calais - Duisburg road or Europort, Rotterdam etc.

I don't know when I was last time in there I avoiding this place miles away




3 minutes ago, Oski200404 said:

Better will be 120 KM/H :D


1 minute ago, salka00 said:

Better will be 120 KM/H




As a limitation for cars? Are you sure to make them that slow? Hmm... *sceptical face*



Let's just talk about having no speed limits, the present time and some theory.


There are two possible outcomes of having no speed limit of cars, let me explain.


1. A player is driving and is going too fast, they try to take a turn and start hitting the barrier, they start to lose control and hit into a truck that is nearby to them, they are responsible for their actions but did not have intent to harm other's trucks, they will still be punished but to a lesser degree.


2. A 'troll' is driving the car, they decide to go 'pedal to the metal' and drive very fast, they are driving without care for any of the other drivers, they get to a large pile up of trucks and cars and overtake dangerously, they are guilty and had intent to cause a disturbance and will receive the maximum punishment of their actions.


I think the real problem here is education, with respect to this individual problem the issue is not with the speed of the car but with the actual guidance that the players receive, no one tells players that if they exceed this speed then they may lose control of their car and then subsequently damage another persons truck or their own car, i think that instead of a speed limit that it would be of more value to inform users of the potential problems that can arise from exceeding certain speeds. 


If you were to inform users of the potential hazards that could arise from going at this specific speed then you can say that you have informed users of the potential hazards of driving at these speeds and if they still go at those speeds and cause an accident then they are guilty without reasonable doubt.  


If a speed limit on the car was put in place then it could theoretically curve the amount of crashes / accidents due to negligence and poor educational guidance (in terms of how to drive the car) in this game although is it possible is the question?


The default 90km/h speed limit is built in to ETS 2, the developers didn't put it there, what are the chances that the developers CAN actually implement this idea?


Your idea is a good one i will give you that but it lacks any sort of instruction, how will this happen, is this a viable solution to trolls, will this change anything, is it worth changing?


In the long run, it is up to the person driving what speed they want to go at, if they cause an accident then they will be punished for it but i wouldn't close the door on the idea (if it can actually be implemented) because it could work.


-1 I don't think this should happen, the cars are fine as they are, alot of people can control the cars at speed and know to slow down for corners etc (yes some don't but plenty do) also Scania's (especially without trailers) can get up to some pretty high speeds aswell :rolleyes: doing this would not stop trolls as they would still crash into you if they want to 


45 minutes ago, 3567- said:

If you were to inform users of the potential hazards that could arise from going at this specific speed then you can say that you have informed users of the potential hazards of driving at these speeds and if they still go at those speeds and cause an accident then they are guilty without reasonable doubt.  

Idea is how we going to inform them. I think about idea of noticy when you buying car saying "BE CAREFULL SCOUT CARS ARE LOOSING THEM STABBILITY WHEN SPEED IS OVER 140 KM/H" but questrion is who going to read that most of the people will just press okay until developers of multiplayer going to make for example 30 secound waiting button to close window down.


8 hours ago, jpchido1999 said:

if you don't like cars you should play in europe 1 

I don't mean I don't like them but they are danger for many users at those speeds. Personally I think they adding small realism to game. But when they roll over because of trolls who been racing then I hate them


  • 5 months later...
On 2/12/2017 at 2:21 AM, senchineru-san said:

I think the real problem here is education, with respect to this individual problem the issue is not with the speed of the car but with the actual guidance that the players receive


Which in turn will lead us to other threads with education / driving tests / guides placed on: Help / Guides and sometimes even Discussions and that such education is available anywhere on the internet really or that within TMP is already implemented or currently suggested.. so really.. the problem many of us know already is actually really simple. It's a simulator / it's a simulated game / it's a game .. and you know what? Nothing matters the moment us players take up the wheel and start our MP client. 


OP may want to pin the blame on the speed, others may want to pin the blame on the trucks, others may want to pin the blame on loss of control, others may want to blame it on cars, others may want to blame keyboard drivers. But the question we all miss really, is ultimately what ONE SINGLE CONTRIBUTING FACTOR does all these blaming factors have in common? And the answer is very simple; THE Driver - you, him, her, I, and ANY other player who basically agreed to TMP's rules and downloaded the TMP client. 


Proper and mature players will then take the initiative to try to improve the current issues we face against kiddy and troll-y behaviour but then again, we all keep reminding each other that at the end of the day, it's not gonna matter because if said player just has the intentions of doing so.. no education here or anywhere else on the internet is going to have effect on the end result. 

So I've come to a realisation that none of such suggestions is gonna work much at all, really (and sadly). Which will brings us to bans and the whole long list of etc etc etc etc etc bla bla bla. 

If you feel frustrated, please support and join us avid reporters. Start recording, start reporting, & you might find you actually begin to feel much more relaxed, lol :troll: 

(and yes, that means I don't even have to chat or say anything *********** to anyone or even talk on the CB radio, all I care now is my in-game radio with my own stations and truckersFM)


And especially for the newcomers who take the simulated MP game seriously to a certain extent like many of us here, try to set a hotkey for your quick-save button and pick up the habit of using your quick-save button at NCZs or road shoulders at multiple intervals throughout your journey.

1. Record & relax. 

2. Quicksave as many times as you want SAFELY throughout your journey. 

3. When crap occurs to you, quickly grab the /pinfo or report in-game - Now in-game menu has TMP and Steam ID attached which makes me really glad that I can't miss out anyone)

4. Then reload back to your last save-point (YES to killing 2 birds with 1 stone - Troll gets banned and you get out scot free 0%damage to truck and 0%damage to trailer)

5. TMP ID given to you again if in-game report surpasses 10mins left unattended.

6. From there, just take your recording, and upload onto youtube (or whatever works for you) and file your web report. TMP basically provided you with everything else you need to go with your report. (IDs & Time)

You may look at my forum signature to see how I personally do it.


After you do these steps, I hope you will find peace hahahaha. At least I do, and in fact I love it when clowns think they can fool me because ultimately, I'm getting the last laugh - which helps me relax too :troll:

So -1 to suggestion. Like irl, when you switch to another vehicle model and you find the driving experience different, it is the same here virtually so to speak. Learn to control, less blaming, enjoy the drive and ultimately, when crap happens, the reason lies with who was behind the wheel (at least in this situation).


Best regards,


  • Upvote 3

 Ex - GM & FM (S.E.A)

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