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Badges for profiles


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Suggestion Name: Badges for user profiles
Suggestion Description: Basically, if you go over a post count for example then you will get a badge for your profile, if you get lots of reputation then you get a badge, etc etc

Any example images

Why should it be added?: I think that it should be added as it is fun, you can keep track of the different badges that you have and if possible the badges could have a custom picture which would be pretty cool.


There could also be like a master badge where you have done something really well and have achieved this badge for your profile, like posting over 1000 posts.

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+1 a Badge after you have done good work? Not bad, like getting a badge for 500 Posts, 1000 Posts, 1500 Posts etc.!

or if you reached a special amount of Reputation Points! i kinda like this suggestion ;) 

kind regards


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