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Suggestion Description: Add commands about giving to someone money

Any example images: Only example: /give (ID) (Amount of money)

The player can /accept or /decline this if he has already money.

Why should it be added?: For those who are very LAZY to get money from Cheat Money. Maybe is pointless but I think it might help the new drivers which doesn't have truck, get truck fast and they don't need to care about the Late from the jobs.



It's so easy to get money in the game... You can go to SP and do some quick jobs to get the bank loan, buy your truck and start earning in MP, you can use cheat engine to get lots of millions, you can even edit your savefile to do that same thing. I don't see the need to add this command, unless we get to the point that @CJMAXiK mentioned: server-sided economy, not-cheatable. Until then, -1 from me, sorry.

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