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I personally think that they should make the in-game admin feature a little more in-depth policing system. Having 'State Police' and 'Federal Police' systems in place would also make it funner. Because if someone is running red lights, ramming, and other illicit activities, a witnessing trucker can file a report and an in game admin would be dispatched depending on the state the perpetrator was in and in what direction they were headed. if it goes on to long, or it goes across a state line, a state admin could get help from the next state over, or from a 'Federal', or inter-state, admin. 'State Police' admins would only have the power to carry out bans and such in the state that they are assigned, and are limited to certain time bans. 'Federal Police' can carry out bans and such in any state, and for any amount of time. For instance, if a group has been street racing across the state for a long time, it would mainly be handled by the 'Feds', with a little help by the State Police. You would have to be a state admin before you can become a federal admin, and only the best got promoted. there would have to be additions to the game. some are suggestions, some would be required.



Paint Jobs for each and every state.

A simple fully color able paint job for the fed admins(if they want to put themselves out there and not drive an 'unmarked' cruiser).



More american looking cars, like the old Dodge Monaco and Ford Crown Victoria. Maybe even the Ford SVT Raptor if you can't get some made. You could even use the default police car models for it, you'd just need interiors.

More light bars and 'unmarked' lights(including a pilot bar that is activated using flashers if someone wants to seriously go undercover).

An actual admin tag only visible to other admins.

A statewide frequency for each state( for talk between police and  and a frequency for the whole state for the cb radios.

'Truck impounds' were someone will have to pay to get there truck back after doing something illegal.


Now, I know this may make it harder to catch people, and it will probably spawn some organized 'runs'(think Smokey and the Bandit), but that would be the fun in it. You may even attract new players to the game, like actual police officers.



More realistic.

More fun.



Harder to catch criminals.

May or may not spawn more illegal activities.

May spawn illegal car racing with new vehicles.


Anyway, what do you all think? Voice your opinion below.

download (1).jpg

Though I drive through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I sit in cab of a warm and powerful Peterbilt 379.


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Think of it this way. Instead of all the admins having to cover the whole country when the rest of the U.S. is added, it would be broken up into several 'departments', therefore making easier to cover all of the ground that is the continental United States. Possibly Alaska and Hawaii, and maybe even Mexico and Canada. I'm thinking long term here.If you have all the admins free to go where ever, there are going to be blind spots that can't be covered, and there will be people going against the rules without repercussions. This would also be more realistic since this is how it works in the U.S. (minus city and county).

Though I drive through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I sit in cab of a warm and powerful Peterbilt 379.


Admins "fly" to wherever the reported person is at the moment, it would be absurd to make them drive there, by the time they arrived, the troll would have disappeared, disconnected, even teleported to another city. This suggestion sounds fun, but it's not doable, you'd need several cops (admins) in each city and then a special group for "federal crimes"? So many admins, there would be no free server slots for players ! :lol:


This is mainly a suggestion for when most of the states are completed, and this was intended mostly for speeding, racing and the like. Not trolls. I understand the part about trolls and not making it. Speeders and racers would be so busy they wouldn't notice the report go through. If they did this for trolls, they would never get caught. I was thinking more smokey and the bandit style bootlegging trucking. High reward, high consequences.



It could also be used for 'Bootleg competitions' where a truck and a runner car have to get a load to a certain place without being caught by the admins. It would be held on the yearly anniversary of TMP, along with the other contests they have running. Actually, I'll continue that in another post.

Though I drive through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I sit in cab of a warm and powerful Peterbilt 379.

  • 10 months later...



Unfortunatly TruckersMP doesn't support third party modifications, so this won't ever be added.

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On 29-11-2016 at 6:55 PM, Forraz said:

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tfmpillow | Retired Team Member

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