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Posted (edited)

Suggestion Name: Each user that registers needs to do a test before downloading the mod client the first time.
Suggestion Description: Before a user is allowed to download and login on the multiplayer client, the user needs to pass a small, simple driving test.

Any example images: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1a5msKprw-XSfALifwXQ5VaTDNmJH6JvenWbnq4YzDiI/viewform
Why should it be added?: It is obvious that a lot of people that play ETS2 are people that are not real life truckers, and younger kids that doesn't have driver's license; a simple test before the user is allowed to download and login on the client, the user is taken to a form page and then based on score, passes or does not pass. If the user does not pass the first time, a 1 hour timer will start and the user will be prompted to read about these rules on the forum or other websites. I started making a form on google drive, with 4 questions just to show you a simple mockup of how a test could look. Problem is that Google doesn't store points for the questions, so in order for this to work it needs to be a real form that is part of the website, scripted in PHP or added to the CMS. If people does the test, there is no excuse in game to break rules unless they are under the influence, thus people will know to not do things.


The final version of this (which I was planning) will have one question regarding most situations that happens in games that people will be really angry about: Parking and blocking, overtaking procedure, using hazard lights, using warning lights and many other things.


The idea about the form is also that it is iconic and universally solveable no matter what language you know or speak. Thus it will not be an excuse for anyone.



The correct answers for the form will be posted below (Spoiler alert):


Question: #1

Sign means: Overtaking forbidden.

Correct Answer: A.

Explanation: When the sign has been put, the stretch beyond the sign forbids overtaking all vehicles. This is usually due to the road type, how the road turns or because of very low visibility ahead. It's usually forbidden to overtake in obstructed right turns or left turns, hills and in some forest areas. What is not completely shown on the picture is that the road line marker is not solid, which is intended for the next question.


The sign that counters the Red sign is:


Which means that the prohibition ends.


Question: #2

Road Line Markers means: Overtaking forbidden, crossing of line forbidden.

Correct Answer: B.

Explanation: This is a question similar to the first, but in some areas where the sign is not used, the road has a solid line marked. This is used a lot in turns and hills where visibility is obstructed. Sometimes, a road can disallow overtaking in only one lane. The solid line also means to not allow one wheel of the vehicle to cross. So overtaking is usually impossible.




Road showing solid and dotted line. The top lane may cross over but the lower lane may not.


Question: #3

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: Because you are driving a truck with a trailer, the truck cannot do race turns. This means that the truck must first drive forward in the intersection, then turn, to allow the trailer to turn and not obstruct the middle of the intersection. This is a very important method for driving as the wheels on a trailer is straight and does not turn. On modern buses and some trailers, wheels may counter steer to allow very tight turns, this is called multi-axle steering.



Example of a forklift using multi-axle steering.


Question: #4

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: When entering a depot, many truck drivers in the ETS2MP game chooses to block entire intersections or turns by not driving fully into the depot. This creates heavy ques and lines which leads to accidents and frustrated drivers. This phenomena is obvious in boat dock ports such as Europort and have helped lead to the anti-collision zone used there. On the other side in Harwich, there is no extended zone and trucks usually park and block the whole T-intersection when stopping to use the boat interaction. This question is related to question 3 in the sense that trucks are huge and sluggish. It is important to be aware of where the truck is and respect other players by not blocking routes intentionally or unintentionally.


Edited by Mossarelli
  • Upvote 16
just do not agree with the way that has been proposed.


Ideally, each lvl 1 user automatically be teleported to an area (support area), arriving there he would meet with a team of instructors that explain how to drive and finally he would make a driving test in a small area. Those tests zig zag, park, unload cargo, etc ...


After that if he does, he can go to the map of the rest.


In time he will be doing the tests, the instructor and help might also explain the user's need to play seriously, without locks, purposely without hitting other reviewers, etc .. There he would have to understand that the game is not only run to deliver loads or exit accelerated around ...

Claymaster T-REX




just do not agree with the way that has been proposed.
Ideally, each lvl 1 user automatically be teleported to an area (support area), arriving there he would meet with a team of instructors that explain how to drive and finally he would make a driving test in a small area. Those tests zig zag, park, unload cargo, etc ...
After that if he does, he can go to the map of the rest.
In time he will be doing the tests, the instructor and help might also explain the user's need to play seriously, without locks, purposely without hitting other reviewers, etc .. There he would have to understand that the game is not only run to deliver loads or exit accelerated around ...



Where's this support area you talk of? Where are the instructors that will put 8000 people through it? Solution: Automatation.


The second question has a problem. There is more than one right answer.

And some translations are required. (i.e. German and Dutch are missing)


But that's something that looks great. +1

"Just because others break rules, does not grant you the permission to break the rules as well"

Please drive respectful on the servers. Thank you!




I think this should be done, and Im agree with your suggestion about 1h timer, even if the players will decide not to read the rules let´s give´em some boring time to read it.


The example you post it is a good one too, and I even think those questions reflect some interesting situations (the cornering or the company maneuvering, for example) that should be learned by all of us and may not have seen anywhere in a ussual car´s driving license.


With some more questions it should be more than enough to learn the basics. +1



the idea is great but not better do a simple map that before download the main file of the mod will be apply first on the screen then when you start the game you start on the empty place which contain a bunch of flag which you must pass but do not fall or crash them then if you pass all the places with flag and white marks on the ground the game throw you simply on normal server something like winter mod but map must be very small only for test the new drivers


PS: Meybe my idea is not undestable but better show them all of thys in practis then do for them test which most of them after time will be cheat or something do something like Scania truck symulator but in smal scale just smoll place to passed 

......sory for my spelling :(

  • Upvote 1

What would the test consist of? And how would they set it up so the user must pass it? How intense should it be so they don't forget everything upon joining multiplayer?


Perhaps all we need is a level limitation. You can't join multiplayer until you're level 10 in singleplayer. But its up to the devs how much work they want to do.Then again, cheaters....but creating a new map would take months for the devs to complete!


Its a good idea, and the form part is definitely possible. But not so sure about an entire map just for learning to drive. Surely SCS would be responsible for that

"A river starts out as a puddle, wanting to grow to something much bigger. As it grows, it begins to flow, making its presence known. After persistence, the river carves its path through the rock towards the sea. You are that river, start moving!






What would the test consist of? And how would they set it up so the user must pass it? How intense should it be so they don't forget everything upon joining multiplayer?


Perhaps all we need is a level limitation. You can't join multiplayer until you're level 10 in singleplayer. But its up to the devs how much work they want to do.Then again, cheaters....but creating a new map would take months for the devs to complete!


Its a good idea, and the form part is definitely possible. But not so sure about an entire map just for learning to drive. Surely SCS would be responsible for that

The Google form is linked in the first post.


+1 The idea sounds great, and this will help a lot of players to understand the rules.  ;)

If you have any kind of issue on the forums, send me a

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Posted (edited)

I always say at least 50 hours of Steam ETS2 experience since you can check how much a game is played on Steam and mod is already Steam dependant... 

Problem is, a person that doesn't know how to drive can drive the wrong way for 50 hours. The major differences will be that the player will have some experience on how to drive, use the interface and style their trucks. Their overall driving experience may not change because "if you don't know you're doing something wrong, you don't know what to do better".


If the developers want this and they don't have time, they just need to talk to me and I'll do the whole project. I have enough experience in Photoshop, Illustrator, Indeisgn and Dreamweaver to create something for them.

If they're not interested, this idea will fall mute and I'll continue to report people who break the rules.




The developers may also be happy to know that 71 people have done the form since it was posted on this website.



Overtaking forbidden sign: 66 correct, 5 wrong.

Road shows drawn line or double line: 55 correct, 16 wrong.

Choose the path in the intersection: 60 correct, 11 wrong.

Choose path to enter a compound: 44 correct, 27 wrong.


So out of 1000 people, 311 people will have at least 1 answer wrong on all the questions averagely.


You might blame the test and say that the pictures weren't clear enough, the difference is though: Either you have a driver's license (or driver's experience) and know what it means or you don't. If you've grown up on a farm and driven a lot of vehicles around, you'll probably know these signs without having a driver's licence.

Edited by Mossarelli
Guest XD Memes

Just take the Scania Truck Driving Simulator driving license scheme... 




That would be like saying anyone that wanted to play battlefield would have to take a shooting test to play with friends? If someone is a bad driver they are bad, the world isn't full of perfect drivers, I don't know why people have so much hate on someone not driving that all good, just chill and let them do there thing







Guest XD Memes

The only thing is that you can't get banned on FreeRoam server, admins don't ban people there as you can't because it's a No Collision Map, map wide so therefore you can't ban anyone.



maybe new players should log 50,000kms on freeroam servers withouth being banned before they can enter another server


Until ets2mp uses online profiles to store money, driving distances and xp; players can just cheat those numbers up.


That would be like saying anyone that wanted to play battlefield would have to take a shooting test to play with friends? If someone is a bad driver they are bad, the world isn't full of perfect drivers, I don't know why people have so much hate on someone not driving that all good, just chill and let them do there thing

This is a totally different thing than Battlefield where if you are stupid you die and sit on loading screen as punishment,in ETS2Mp you can damage other players causing them greef just by not knowing what the hell are you doing,

+1 The multiplayer definitely needs some sort of driving test before it grants full acces to the mod.

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