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TruckersMP Map Megathread


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I'm looking forward to more DLC modules. The most promising one is the Libya peninsula. I hope to meet with us early next year. I also look forward to new trucks, because to be honest, these trucks are tired of driving

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On 17.12.2020 at 06:43, Zonda R said:

Daha fazla DLC modülü bekliyorum. En umut verici olanı Libya yarımadasıdır. Önümüzdeki yılın başlarında bizimle görüşmeyi umuyorum. Ayrıca yeni kamyonları da dört gözle bekliyorum çünkü dürüst olmak gerekirse, bu kamyonlar sürmekten yoruldu

It could be the new :D truck, not the DLC.

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This function is very practical and makes it easy for me to find friends on the map!

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Kind regards
Shining Stars
TruckersMP -Driver

??China Express Transportation Chief Operating Officer??

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Shining Stars#4013  | steam| Forums | World of Trucks

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I look to monitor this on another device as it can be useful to 'look ahead'. Systems like Google Maps etc have traffic information that can inform you of delays, queing traffic. I sort of use the map as a means of doing this and checking ahead at places I know may become congested. Thank you for keeping it up-to-date :)

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