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Suggestion Name:  auto park
Suggestion Description: The ability to auto park in MP much like in the multiplayer in American truck simulatior

Any example images: X

Why should it be added?: well, I suck at parking, I saw that someone posted this in the past but I thought maybe now that we have MP auto park working in ATS maby we could get it working on in ETS2. I was trying to park my truck for a full real life hour and still couldn't do it...


Posted (edited)

Well as you said it is already suggested,also the ATS auto park option was added from SCS and not Truckers MP,so you should suggest that on their forums.TruckersMP cant edit the gameplay.


Edit: Read the reason why that feature won't be added.


Edited by CaptainKostaZ

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The thing about the auto parking is that its different in ATS then in ETS2 which is why its in ATSMP and not ETS2MP. Unless SCS change the auto park in ETS2 to be like ATS then it won't/can't be added to ETS2MP.

I know parking can be difficult and trust me I know ,I sucked at it when I first started, took ages, I actually gave up and I actually stopped playing MP for months because I didn't like that their was no auto park in MP and I didn't think I'd ever be able to park without the auto park but now I can park the trailers easily enough. It just takes practice. Its not actually that hard once you get used to it.

Also I know this is kind of cheating but I use cameras 2 and 3 when parking - its much easier then using camera 1 ;)



No, just spend some time practicing, using autopark won't make you better.

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