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TruckersMP are proud to introduce…

:: HAULAGE 64 2016 ::

What is Haulage 64?

Haulage 64 is, as the title suggests, 64 hours of pure convoy excitement. Designed in 2015 to be a charity marathon, it quickly became a popular event within the community, raising £3500 for cancer research in 2015.

This year the organisers are hosting the event to a much higher level. Convoy control will be provided throughout the whole event.

WHERE Haulage 64 will start at Oslo Sea Port on TruckersMP “Haulage 64” server.

WHEN 5th August at 12:00PM (BST), and will end at around 04:00AM (BST) on 8th

WHY To raise awareness and money to change the lives of abused and neglected children.

This year we are supporting the NSPCC, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The NSPCC are the only charity in the UK with the power to take direct action to help protect children from harm and abuse..

Real Life Stories
“He feels really guilty after it but then he just goes and does it again. I am too scared to tell anyone else because I don’t want to get him into trouble, but I don’t feel safe at home anymore.”

“I am so upset at the moment. My mum hates me and tells me I am fat, useless and spoilt. I have no confidence anymore and have started self harming. Sometimes when it gets too much I just want to disappear and have thought about killing myself.”

With your help, we can help these children and make it stop!

Ways To Donate!

You can donate directly to the Just Giving page
You can donate via Paypal

Extra Information & Links

Join The Event:

Route Maps:

Live Updates:

TeamSpeak Server IP: ts.haulage64.com

We hope to see many of you joining us throughout the event, and don’t forget to dress up into green-themed trucks!

Thank You For Your Support!

Supporting Organisations

• TruckersMP • TruckSimRadio • Knox Vegas Trucking • GlobEx Gaming Community • WOTRDB • TruckersFM • Cooper’s Freightmaster • High End Transport •
• Dark Zone Gaming • Transport Logitstics • LKW Transport • Excellent Trans • Craig Pruden Logistics • Apollo Gaming • M & M Greene Ltd. •
• ConSecGroup • Global Distribution Services • Pro-Haul Logistics • Interstar Logistics •
• Snowball Media • Multiplayer Truck Photography • TT-NL •






Taken the days off work to be here do this event.I Can't Wait :D   HYPE!!!


just gonna check if anyone knows what time it will be on each day in Australian time as I aint sure if it is suitable ill try as I have got some plans on and do live on a farm and have to feed the animals do that stuff you know if I don't see you there I hope you all enjoy and remember your doing this for a good charity please hit that donate button guys to show your support to that charity as it helps a lot of people around the world

  • Upvote 1

Looking forward to this :D:D 

  • Upvote 1




Hi, I'm not going to make it since I'm away down in Cornwall from 06/08/2016 - 13/08/2016 and that's straight through when this event happens. I'll try to donate and good luck guys! :D

- @Beefy32659_YT


P.S: I can't join on 05/08/2016 because my clients and launchers and play up and won't work (I've submitted a ticket). :D Good Luck! :D 

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Enzide Logistics getting set up for Haulage 64!



                                         High End Transport, Driver | WoTRDB, Support and Translator | Freelance Virtual Photographer                                          


Excellence In Motion

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