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I adjusted my rain slider one time, and for 5 out of 8 gaming sessions it was raining. I lowered it so that it wasnt so frequent. Rain has always been in, but its only on your screen.

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So basically rain was always there, but I didn't know it. I thought I had read somewhere (an old thread maybe) that rain was an issue. I'm guessing the thread was probably about regional rain (i.e. everybody experiencing the same rain) rather than individual rain.


The funny thing is, I was so surprised to see the rain, it was like I was seeing it for the first time. If there had been anyone to chat with I would have been all like "Its raining! its raining! Can you see it? It's beautiful, its amazing. Its raining!". You can see in our video I keep going on about the rain. People watching it must think "Oh my, what an noob".

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1 hour ago, McNair said:

Yeah, I've had it rain once.... and it was raining over the entirety of California and Nevada for 2 game days. I eventually turned it off. 

How often does that happen in real life? I spent a fair amount of time in and out of San Diego and I don't recall much rain... I also spent some time up in Portland (there is a big shipyard there, we were in dry-dock). I don't recall much rain there either.

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