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Suggestion Name: Only spawn in Non Collision Zone
Suggestion Description:

To avoid any player to spawn in a collision zone.

- When player click "Drive Button", check player location (NCZ/CZ) before estabilish any connection.

- When player trying to connect in CZ, pending any connection to the server until player enter NCZ.

- Load a save file or a quick load will terminated any connection, unless player is in NCZ.

- If player load a save file in CZ, pending connection until player enter NCZ.

- When a player leaving NCZ but the trailer still inside NCZ, the trailer should not leave NCZ yet.

Any example images: Nope.
Why should it be added?: It will make the game more efficient and avoid any accident when player load a save or spawn on collision zone. Also make leaving NCZ much safer when lots of player in it.

  • Upvote 3



No, been suggested before. No then, no now, no forever.

Less one ncz plz (I I posted something stating every time someone asks to add or increase ncz to remove one :D I demand one to be removed :P)

Edit: re-read your post, drop server limit in half because that's all logic based on the server side, so no. Learn patience and respect and we will all be fine

Signature removed by a wondering ghost


Posted (edited)


uhhh not asking to add more NCZ :P

i'm ginving my idea to avoid someone being rammed from the inside when someone spawn on the same spot in collision zone :P


What i mean is, when you click drive but you are in collision zone, you can't connect to the server until you drive into a non collision zone.

Edited by FirestarteR93
Removed quote from the post above



Yes awesome idea!


We need it more than ever now seen as the ATS map is sooooo dense because its so small.......the probability of this happening has definitely increased since it was last suggested.

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76561198170110153.png  Truckers.FM No.1 Trance and Dance DJ  SCS Closed Beta-Tester 


Still a no, next to the extra logic needed beyond check ban which is actually done logging in before clicking the drive button... it would annoy any decent diver out there esp those 100 km away from any ncz...

"When player click "Drive Button", check player location (NCZ/CZ) before estabilish any connection."

This wouldn't only annoy me but confuse newcomers to either server esp atsmp where most resting places are cz (DON'T CHANGE THAT)

" When player trying to connect in CZ, pending any connection to the server until player enter NCZ."

Gives the false idea of either server issues or server full (be surprised to how many actually read that red text :D)

"Load a save file or a quick save will terminated any connection, unless player is in NCZ."

Say Wut? Trolls win...

"If player load a save file in CZ, pending connection until player enter NCZ."

See 2 comments up

"When a player leaving NCZ but the trailer still inside NCZ, the trailer should not leave NCZ yet."

This is a bug, I've been tempted to park my trailer with Kat's truck in Ep to give everyone on twitch a show but I like mp too much :D it's also a bad idea to post it on the forums because now trolls know about it... GG -.-'

I also don't like removing comments from my posts :P

Signature removed by a wondering ghost



Not what I mean. You get trolled and you load a quick save from 5 seconds ago (tab list open showing no one's around) and you get kicked from the server while the troll keeps trolling? That's a killer way of killing the game...

Using common sense it's still the best solution. Those who can't shouldn't play mp those who can't be bothered deserve a ban. All these ideas destroying the game for the 95+% because of the bad 5%? No thank you ;)

Signature removed by a wondering ghost




Your point seem that you don't want to have any NCZ at all on entire map. I want it as bad as you too but at least with this suggestion can make MP better for period of time until they can figure it out how can mp be safe without NCZ. 


If you got trolled, than why don't you take his truckersmp id first before loading the safe. It easy right (/s <type 4 digit of his name>) done you get him, now screenshot it or write on a pepper or record it. What i'm trying to do is to avoid an accident that nobody can claim whos fault is it (spawn on the same spot when someone on it). 


No matter how much you say don't to those trolls, those you said 5%. No matter how long you try to punish them, new trolls always come again and again and again and will still ruining someone pleasure. This suggestion i make is to avoid those 5% to do that, not to make them stop because you CAN'T stop them.



Yes but by implementing ncz only login you're potentially punishing the 95% good drivers. Esp after getting trolled... I've successfully (along with others) loaded a quick save after getting rammed etc. The trick is don't do it in high populated areas and if you don't think it's safe goto sp or bite the loss (why I modded my money).

I've parked my truck in cz areas a large number of times, the number of times I've spawned into someone? 0... the trick is to not park in obvious spots.

Also ask any admin how many cz spawn bans they've done, you'll find it be around 1-5% of total bans or about 0.25% of the total player base will knowingly login where they'd likely spawn into someone... you're literally more likely to get hit head-on than spawned...

The only thing here really worth doing is the trailer bug, but it caused no harm as long as trolls don't know about, I didn't even know about it till one day at Ep a saw someone having fun with my trailer...

Signature removed by a wondering ghost



I had another idea about this a while ago, why don't people spawn as "ghosts" for 30 seconds? It stops people hitting them and sometimes innocent people join the game and don't realise they're in someone's way (although I don't promote this) I don't see why they couldn't spawn almost as a visible ghost where if you were to collide you'd go straight through.. But then again if you were still inside them for 30 seconds what would happen hmm..

Hey ho your idea rules out any collisions I guess ;)

Kind regards,





i always thought itd be nice to give people like a 10 second NC time after they press drive when initially connecting, especially since ive found that you can crash into them before their truck even loads in and is visible, ive had people load in in the middle of really busy highways and other areas, and ive found that most of the time i crash into them i cant even see their truck until a few seconds after the crash


How about this instead since some people don't like OP's suggestion.


When you click drive the mod checks to see if there is any traffic around the point you will spawn into if it's a NCZ then it will spawn you in no questions asked. If the spot is not a NCZ it will make sure that there is no traffic around for at least 50m lets say and then it will spawn you. The distance of traffic could be changed if 50m is too short or long. 


If there is traffic near you then it will wait and recheck again until the traffic is cleared. 


I do think OP's idea is a good one for the record. 


i always try to spawn in NCZ's even if i am logged off and in the middle of the road i will go onto singleplayer and tp to the nearest city so i dont get banned!


I like this idea, but I don't think its possible to do this automatically. There's a serious problem, sometimes the game crash on me (it did happen just once since release of ATSMP for me so far its pretty stable but I guess some people may have this problem more often) but I ended up forced to quit in middle of the road, now I know what people say to go in single player and park in a safe spot before coming back to MP, but I can't load the game in single player to safely park or the delivery will be late since the time is different on server so I have to load exactly on the same server if I want to save my delivery and not be forced to abandon it (and I tested this on ETS2MP 3 or 4 times before anyone says its not true)


3 minutes ago, God said:

"- Load a save file or a quick load will terminated any connection, unless player is in NCZ."


Well there goes convoy control/support. It's a good suggestion but I don't see it working...








Convoy control dont need to load a save to tell everyone where to go, they can do it while driving, just copy and past the text anyway.


  • 4 weeks later...



Because you have to take responsibility where you park obviously you would not park on a motorway.However you dont need any mods to make it happen just tell everyone to park on Gas stations,Services,Parking etc.Not on roads 


  • 4 weeks later...

-1, theres way too many variables to track at once, not to mention it just penalises those who are good at driving in MP, on top of that, its easy to say, connection delay until in NCZ, but if you have a game crash, get kicked for AFK while sat in a rest area at a fuel station (Particularly in ETS2MP) or you have a connection fallthrough, it penalises you, even though youre a good driver, because when you happen to be is not an NCZ and in most cases, NCZs are 10-20-30 minute drives away (IRL time) so no, a system like this just plays into the hands of trolls more and will cause more issues as people jump into the nearest NCZ, reconnect as someone is leaving that NCZ and suddenly you have flying trucks in every NCZ, so good idea, but flawed in so many ways.

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