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Suggestion Name:  Add a Non-Collisions Zone to Construction sites.

Suggestion Description: In American Truck Simulator they have added a new delivery point which is at a road-side construction site this can cause vehicle crashes.
Any example images:  N/A
Why should it be added?: It should be added as many trucks have to wait for the other truck to finish parking before they can. Also the trucks passing might hit a truck that is trying to park at that location. By making the one-way-road and the construction site a non-collisions zone trucks can go by freely.

  • Upvote 1

no thank you, this is fixed by respecting other drivers, and a tad bit of patience.

And, adding a ncz there would make it worse, with flying trucks as a result, because you'd end up with someone abusing it, or just are in another truck or trailer, as it leaves the ncz

With respect for eachothers, and a bit of patiense ( i know, they are both on the verge of extinction, but still ), it's not a problem at all. Please don't make it into one

and, to finish this post :

You don't have to take a delivery to those sites. If you don't like how they are now, don't respect others, or just lacks the patience needed for those deliveries, just say no thank you, and get another one!

  • Upvote 3

Dude, this is an internet forum. You can't expect people to read stuff. Jeez.

And we want players who can behave, I'm afraid we can't have what we want :(

"Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off. "




I disagree with this suggestion because the edge of the NCZ would always have trucks sat on it and like the above post by Noraf says, there would be flying trucks everywhere...





Owner of Global Logistics


Next time I'll make you wait 10 mins, not because I want to, but because I'm bad/slow at skilled parking. Have fun, enjoy a coffee or 10.

 Which is fine. That's how you learn to park. By practicing. It's not like it's a matter of life or death when we're playing ats. Yesterday I was sat up in a traffic jam for 20-30 min or so, around Oxnard. I didn't mind at all. Every other driver was patient and respectful as well, and only a very few tried to cut the line. A lot of people on here are very patient and respectful, but you'll always have those who aren't. 

Also, as have been stated by others, the area is too small for a NCZ to be effective. You will end up having trucks that can't leave the zone, simply because you always have a trailer/truck inside you when you reach the border of the zone, causing even more problems. Besides, it's a minority of jobs that goes to these areas, so there shouldn't be too much traffic there in the first place. -1 from me

  • Upvote 3


For the incredibly long depot lineups ncz, cz they both produce the same, but ncz causes a issue that does not exist irl. Having 20 trucks piled onto each other when that person finishes who goes next?

Any case


be patient if possible pull off the road and wait if not goto a local service station and idle for a few, grab a hot cup of cocoa and enjoy the show.

Ask any American truck driver who has done boarder crossings over the last 25 years, long queues is normal and to be expected.

  • Upvote 1

Signature removed by a wondering ghost



Noraf sums up pretty well something I have already said a couple times on other threads about the addition or expansion of NCZs. Which, if you folks don't mind, I will quote from their threads:


To be honest, I not only would prefer to have the choice of where to park my trailer, but also to always pick the hardest spots. I'm honestly having a lot of fun parking in those tight spots.


With that being said, that gas station is not the only kind of spot that may (and most likely will) become a problem on MP. I have come across quite a few different places that have a lot of potential to be chaos zones in multiplayer. Not because of the places themselves but because of some players. I am talking about those *insert insult of your choice here* who can never wait for their turn to park and always clip through you to park their trailer first, even if they got there last, completely blocking your sight of the spot you are trying to park on, resulting in you messing up your maneuver. And some of those, not happy enough with cutting in, take ages to complete their parking and more often than always, just sit there and idle at the spot once they are done. (You know who you are.) Personally that pisses me of really badly.


On ETS2, however, that isn't exactly an issue in regards to collisions and road blocking because the yards are usually large enough to comport several trucks within the NCZ at once. On small places such as that gas station, however, even with an NCZ, there certainly will be road blockages and certainly there will be collisions. After all, in that particular example, there is no way you can park in there without blocking the street for a bit.


Actual serious and good players will most likely wait patiently for their turn to park, certainly somewhere where their truck won't be blocking the street and if we only had players such as these it would all be fine. Wouldn't even need a NCZ to begin with (except for the places where you pick up trailers, of course. A NCZ in those is mandatory). Remember the first days of Scandinavia? No NCZ and almost all the players around there were serious and respectful. No rushing in, no hitting other trucks, patiently waiting for their turn, etc. It was amazing. Good times. Only problem was picking up trailers. That was a nightmare. A sometimes hilarious nightmare.





I assure you that any problems we may have around those areas will come from those other players.


I am in love with these challenging parking spots.   :wub: I want them in.


I wish ETS2 had them. There are some tricky ones but not nearly as fun as the ones on ATS. 




I played and the NCZs are working as they should. If you found a problem, post a bug report in the appropriate section. Now, if you are referring to the multiple people who rush in into other trucks and cause mayhem around depots, services, etc. because they don't know what's the meaning of the phrase "wait for your turn", then that's a bug in their education, not the mod or the NCZ. Expand the NCZs will not solve these issues. It will just move them to somewhere else and make them larger.




So, as Noraf, I and others have said, for cases such as these, NCZs will only cause more trouble than they will solve. If they could solve any at all. So I too give my vote down on this suggestion. Wait 10-15 minutes? What's the problem with that? It's part of the game. Why the rush? If you gotta be somewhere in real life and can't wait, then simply park somewhere else, save and quit the game. I never parked at any of those construction sites but I would not mind to wait for my turn if there is a line. If anything, it would actually just add to the fun. This game isn't about who can make their delivery first, after all. This ain't King of the Road.


So yeah. -1. Sorry but not sorry.

  • Upvote 2

Some people should really get a license before even thinking about buying Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Drive safely, folks!



< < < Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll turn your chips to trash! > > >


I personally think nothing should have NCZ other than service stations because i like the realism of it, i loved waiting in a line of 15 trucks when ETS2MP came out just to drop a trailer, yeah wouldn't be that long in real life but it makes people show respect for others, and there is no flying truck issues.


that being said, bit -1 for me

  • Upvote 1



Something needs to be done with trailers from completed jobs though. I dropped off a load not long ago and noticed someone else was lining up to drop his job off, intrigued by what was going to happen i sat and watched. What I thought was going to happen, did happen. As he reversed up he hit my trailer and couldn't go backwards and further. He ended up having to pull forward and reverse fast to push the trailer clear of the drop off point (and probably damaging his own truck/trailer in the process).


Trailer in the way:

Aftermath of his fast reverse bumping: 

So imo this needs to be addressed in some way


Easiest way to solve that, is for you to leave the area... That will force a despawn.

Btw, had your trailer been successfully delivered? Because, that should also despawn your trailer for other drivers....

Dude, this is an internet forum. You can't expect people to read stuff. Jeez.

And we want players who can behave, I'm afraid we can't have what we want :(

"Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off. "


^Next time I'll make you wait 10 mins, not because I want to, but because I'm bad/slow at skilled parking. Have fun, enjoy a coffee or 10.

only problem is, people aren't really that patient anymore, guys at the construction sites wont wait for people to park before trying to either pull in to park themselves or to pass through, ending up with people ramming into each other and a few choiced words being said in chat, im not for NCZs because its just a trolls heaven, but something needs to be put in place to nip these issues in the bud before people start raging, i.e. look at the Oxnard crisis now.


People are talking here like everyone in TruckersMP have respect for each other. Sadly it's not like that and will be impossible when ATS go on sales and every child in this world buy this game. For now it's OK, until now I have no bad experience. But I have 100% sure that will be a nightmare soon.


Let's wake up and face the sad true about these new parking spots on the middle of a road or on fuel stations. They will not going to work well very soon.


Don't forget: Trucks don't hit trucks, Truckers hit trucks.

"Trucks don't hit trucks, Truckers hit trucks". By me


^and making them ncz will make it even worse....

(still wish only service and pickups was ncz....)

  • Upvote 1

Dude, this is an internet forum. You can't expect people to read stuff. Jeez.

And we want players who can behave, I'm afraid we can't have what we want :(

"Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off. "


This needs to happen, me and 2 other drivers have just been stuck waiting for the best part of 30 minutes because a person decided to AFK on the delivery spot. 


I don't know how they weren't auto kicked, but that shouldn't be able to happen in the future. NCZ would have stopped that happening just now.


Having a NCZ at this depot would have its benefits but you will lose the realistic feeling so im sorry but it is a -1 from me and it is more of a challenge as your under pressure

there really isn't a benefit to a NCZ there anyway, the areas are so small in comparison that all it would take is someone to stray into the zone and the leave again while clipping through you for you to become a transportation. NCZ aren't the way to go at all, not at construction sites or fuel stations, the negative will always out way the positives, besides, the number of trolls who would love to have NCZ like this is surprisingly high anyway.

  • Upvote 1

there really isn't a benefit to a NCZ there anyway, the areas are so small in comparison that all it would take is someone to stray into the zone and the leave again while clipping through you for you to become a transportation. NCZ aren't the way to go at all, not at construction sites or fuel stations, the negative will always out way the positives, besides, the number of trolls who would love to have NCZ like this is surprisingly high anyway.

I  wouldn't want them a fuel stations, that would be 

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I  wouldn't want them a fuel stations, that would be 

then if you don't want them at fuel stations, why bother with them at construction sites? its the same principle at both areas, really people just need to learn to be patient and wait their turn instead of barging in and blocking others from doing anything. NCZ are just bad news in small spaces, I mean, look at some of the service stations when theres a lot of people using one, trucks going flying everywhere because everyone tries to cram themselves into the NCZ to get out of the way, and all it takes is one person to be half out of the NCZ when another passes through them and people going flying, so NCZ at such small locations are more harm than good, if people are in the way, you wait for them to move or ask them politely to move so you can park, you park up, and move on so you don't block anyone else, its simple right?


I don't think there would be any advantage to having a NCZ at the construction site. I understand that there will be a lot of complaints about this when people spawn in on them but that would be very unlucky. Its sort of like having someone spawn in on you at  a Service Station (Fuel). I also recognize that it is a drop off zone but you just need to be patient if someone else is dropping off and you are waiting for them.


Its not that hard to just wait, and if some is sitting there for too long. Just report them and an admin should move them to service or kick them.




Trucking Australia

HHA Manager

  • Upvote 1

^and making them ncz will make it even worse....

(still wish only service and pickups was ncz....)

I wish only service and garages where ncz :D

There's a truck stop that's ncz but so is the road, every time I go threw it I go as fast as possible... 2 reasons why, one if I get trolled I wanna see if I can fly, 2 to avoid getting trolled... the stops the long road in the north east of Nevada... that's why I'm pro cz.

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Signature removed by a wondering ghost


  • 2 years later...

Before some days, I had the situation that another player and I started a delivery from the construction site. We both were standing in each other. At least one of us was in ghost mode, but this is only for a short time. I started to move, but the ghost mode ended too early. The result was a heavy collision from nothing.


Finally, a solution definitely is needed.

A NCZ just for the parking spot (not for the whole construction site) could help.

When entering the spot, the ghost mode will be activated.

When leaving the spot, the ghost mode still is active for some seconds.

But it is very important that the ghost mode will be shown for all the other players.

That's especially important in cities on every entrance to a company, garage, hotel etc..

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