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Suggestion Name: stopping rammers with points for the players they get
Suggestion Description:Make servers with points, if you don't crash or ram you will get points and get higher in a other server where you can play without rammers.

                                           this will put moste rammers in 1 server

                                          If you ramming in the server or losing to much points you will get kicked and go to a lower server to get back the points you need.

Any example images: Nope.
Why should it be added?: I really don't know  :mellow:  just something in mind


People want to make convoys, and if there are servers for points then newbies wont be able to drive with the veterans that they may be friends with. also that would mean a complete redesign of the ets2data.com site and many other unofficial tools.


Its too much trouble for what its worth. Sorry bro 


Happy Trucking!!!

DJ Trademark | Truckers.FM


I don't think this should happen just yet due to the lag issues. People would be getting points for ramming by accident when someone lags and immediately stops in front of them on the road causing a crash which happens in convoys all the time...


As you can see, we just updated the rules about bans, so we are currently using a similar system as you suggested.


However, our "lower division server" is the endless hell, which is populated with all the permanently-banned trolls and their second accounts.

-- One banned troll means one sad troll. Conserve banning. The trolls will appreciate it.






Ramming is a banable offence, if you can record and report them via the website then they will be awarded :3













  • 3 weeks later...



What you're saying is basically there should be one server that is basically un-administrated for trolls to go in and troll eachother? I think this is a bad idea... especially if you get a couple day ban that was a genuine one off mistake, it then means you cant connect to the "normal" servers again... I disagree with this...





Owner of Global Logistics


We already have a point system.

Though, I really don't see why they should be allowed their own server..

Dude, this is an internet forum. You can't expect people to read stuff. Jeez.

And we want players who can behave, I'm afraid we can't have what we want :(

"Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off. "

  • 1 year later...

This is something which would only unlikely be implemented since it is hardly realisable as it would require a whole new system. As of now, there are professionally trained in-game admins who are taking care of the situation on the streets. It is always possible to report them in-game or record their offences and report it later on the homepage. Also, such a system can easily be abused if many people of one virtual trucking company, for instance, give negative points to one user because they do not like him.



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