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Suggestion Name:


Suggestion Description:

I think ranks would be cool within the game such as 'Driver In Training' 'Young Driver' and 'Driver' that sits along side your name above your truck, and that you could see beside your name when chatting. 

Any example images

Why should it be added?:

I think it would be neat to see ranks, and it could benefit drivers so you could know what to expect ie 'Driver In Training' you can expect to not be very experienced and to slow down when around.

  • Upvote 2





Not sure how that would work mate? time on mp etc wouldnt really tell you anything about the driver you can have someone who been on here since day 1 who trolls,or first day driver who knows the road rules well.


my advice expect everyone to drive like a nub that way you wont be disappointed  :lol:

  • Upvote 1





We already have this in a way; it's just optional for drivers. New drivers to the game can use their in-game "Player Tag" to display info like "Learner Driver" if they feel the need. Adding another thing to people's IG names would, in my opinion, just make it look like a mess.


Nice thinking though :).


Player ranks are also on the forums as well, for example, Kravaty has Veteran Driver as he has been with MP for over a year. I think this ahs been suggested before, or in similar way, like to have coloured names in chat etc...

                                         High End Transport, Driver | WoTRDB, Support and Translator | Freelance Virtual Photographer                                          


Excellence In Motion


I think it could work but only with a number or stars infront of after, maybe even above or bellow the player name.


everyone should start with 2.5*

1* = on your way to a ban/bad player/griefer ets

2* = i dont play well

2.5* = new trucker/on the good/bad track

3*=  you're/im ok

4*=  almost pro

5*= pro/you can learn from me


admins can deduct stars when reports come in against you.

players can vote you a good player and after x-amount of good votes you get an extra half star. needed amount should be large enough to avoid abuse and only once per steam id per month/week.


Born to be wild in 1982 | Does not accept random Steam friend requests


This IMO would never happen. It's a small majority of people that want it plus, as said before there is a name tag option already so this is also quite pointless.

Many thanks, Sami

Hmm so you suggest that rammers and griefers should vullentairly advertise their intentions to destroy fun? Good luck with that


Born to be wild in 1982 | Does not accept random Steam friend requests


I don't think there's any need to force player tags on drivers who are new to ETS2MP (e.g. less than 30 days), however they can edit their tags on Steam theirselves so that it says [NEW DRIVER] if they wish. In fact, how would an algorithm/variable of the code (such as in this case if newPlayer) even be efficient itself? The code for forcing new players would be just too difficult to write and successfully implement when complete, especially when we also have player levels at stake. Highly against this suggestion. 

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