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Ability to add mods that doesn't give you any advantage

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Suggestion Name: Ability to add mods that doesn't give any advantage in ETS 2

Suggestion Description: Since I liked the winter mod in ets 2 mp (and I tried to modify it, it wasn't possible when I tried to run the game, nice work on that guys) it would be nice if we could add mods improving the graphics and other stuff (replacement skins, [i said replacement skins, not standalone skins] xenon lights, sound mods, etc) without giving any advantage, or the ETS2 MP staff (Admins) could create some kind of friendly mods list for ETS 2 MP (mods that we could add in the login screen)
Any example images: here is some exemples: http://ets2.lt/en/improved-weather-reload-r5/


Why should it be added?: it will give a better experience for us players


PS: I'm aware of words like "we don't support mods", but I tried, and think about the Improved Weather mod lol, gl to myself

  • Upvote 1

I agree with a graphics mods...there are 2 really nice mods out there..lautus and Realistic Lighting V2.1- Improved Skyboxes And Weather...not compatible with snowmods however.

Also I'd like to see addons for interior, like curtains etc...i dont care if they only would be visible for me.

but this is not my topic :-/

We have to have hope, since its still alpha :-)

Happy trucking!


@TruCkDr1V3r: At first the devs said that they won't implement any mod. Now there is the winter-mod. So there's a chnance that some other "useful" mods will be added.


Maybe not in alpha, but in beta or final or after scs-support of ets2

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@TruCkDr1V3r: At first the devs said that they won't implement any mod. Now there is the winter-mod. So there's a chnance that some other "useful" mods will be added.


Maybe not in alpha, but in beta or final or after scs-support of ets2

Interior options arent really usefull if you know what im saying :D

Also, everone prefers other mods, that one wants Promods and that guy TSM, just no, it cant.


I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


Since mods are such a high request, why can't the devs prevent syncing of the mods, so they only show up on the person who's using them. E.g. DLC packs, interior and graphic mods ect.


Linux Mint 18.2


GTX 1060 GB




In theory you can have mods as long as your mod dose not add anything into the game but it just uses stuff that is already in the game. Such as an empty oversized trailer you could place a in game truck on it run it in single player but make sure its not a standalone trailer but it replace the whole type then save and start MP and everyone should see it because technically they have the files as you are using the vanilla game








Still, the server knows you are using mods, if everyone is running 5 mods the server will go down or you get a ping like 500

What? That makes no sense.


Still, the server knows you are using mods, if everyone is running 5 mods the server will go down or you get a ping like 500

this is a old story in everygame, I play SAMP with tons of mods, cars, textures, cleo mods and my ping is normal lol


btw I have focused only in replacement mods (skins, textures and not trailers, trucks) and in mods that improves the graphics, mods is the key to keep players playing ets 2 after 2 years, even ETS 2 MP is a mod lol

  • Upvote 1

I wouldnt mind a slight map mod, even if they created it, in my sp account I use "promod" in which turns the main stretch of the rotterdam / europoort highway into a bypass with the on / off ramps for the road to amsterdam, rotterdam. I find it a little annoying that you have to look around to see if someones coming when pulling out of rotterdam. especially if there is a high traffic load coming out of europoort.


It is a little bit of a shame that there isnt any mods installed besides the snow mod, But I suppose that stops conflicts between mods and some people may not want this mod or that mod, I do think some road improvements may be the best way to do it for the mod side of it thats what i think anyway.


I dont know why mods are still requested, the developers said clear that there are no mods going to be added exept the winter mod.



I don't think you read what OP wants. For example: I have a mod which makes the sound of MAN trucks better. That mod is just for me. It doesn't need to be on the server, the other players don't need it, it's just for me. Also saying that the server would need to recognize that you are using mods is wrong, the server doesn't need to.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think you read what OP wants. For example: I have a mod which makes the sound of MAN trucks better. That mod is just for me. It doesn't need to be on the server, the other players don't need it, it's just for me. Also saying that the server would need to recognize that you are using mods is wrong, the server doesn't need to.



It modifies the game = Mod

You guys dont really know what mods do to your game. Many of you are saying, if its an interior mod and only I can see it, there should be no problem. Its more comlicated than that. I`ll try to explain it in the simplest way possible. Mods change the way your game handles stuff.

i7 3770k @4.0Ghz, R9 280X Dual-X, 8GB Kingston Hyper X, Cooler Master SilentPro, G27, Track IRv5




How about just client-side mods? I think this is what's being suggested. Basically unharmful mods that are only seen and used by you and nobody else. Stuff like interior mods, texture mods, maybe sound mods. GTA San Andreas Multiplayer has always worked like this and it's been perfectly fine. Ofcourse things like truck and map mods which are bigger won't be allowed in ETS2MP.


EDIT: And also client-side mods don't make the server work harder at all.


Server can not understand what is "clientside" mods or not.. Mods can change ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. 


And Is that thread for real?


What advantage compared to others you ask for?

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early



You prolly havent really red what the OP was writing.He was asking if its possible to add some mods for everybody in MP not for himself alone. Like Sound mod or for me it would be a Trailer Mod.


And honestly i dont think 1 or 2 Mods which increase the fun of the MP alot would cause that much problems. The real problem actually with lag on the server is that there are actually 4 Servers now. Which says actually "Europe" and "US" well guess today "Europe" means "The whole world". Seriously if there would be any kind of Ping limit the Servers could run even smoother. But as long ppl cross my way with names i cant even spell and Ping around 250+ it cant really work with mods. We saw its possible to work with Mods (WinterMod) even when it was a crappy one and me and my friends turned it of after like an hour of playing. But adding it into the installer let it download for everyone shouldnt be a problem. 


Winter Mod should be off by default anyway, no Lanes make newbies think all road belongs to them. 


I didn't see any mod that can improve performance of original game. May be only if MP somewhat manages to use "low-poly" truck models for other players, that might reduce graphical lag... 

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early


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