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Hello i play ETS2 online for about 20sec then i get an message connection with the server has been broken please restart the game to reconnect but every time i reconnect i happens again after 20sec i lose connection pls help someone.

16 answers to this question

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Make sure that nothing is downloading in the background or you don't have anything such as videos, movies running in the background to drop your connection while playing Euro Truck Multiplayer. Reset your router and re-try to connect to the game. Usually there is a lot of lag when other truckers are in the same city. Make sure your router is reset and well hope that you will be able to come online! Hope this helped :)

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Hi There,

Maybe you could turn off your firewall or antivirus temporarily and see if that is blocking the connection.

Also you could try re-installing the Game and Mod.

And lastly if these don't work try opening port 42850 on your router.




Kind Regards,


[TruckersMP Retired Team Member (Ex-Game Moderator)]



If you are replying to me, please @mention me (@El1teZombiezHD ) or quote my message otherwise I may not respond

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I have had this many times, just leave it for a few hours, it seems to work most of the time. Sometimes you might have to wait until the next day.

If it keeps doing it, just reinstall the mod, it usually fixes personal bugs.


-Thanks, Sami


Nameless Ghoul.


Player Reports: https://truckersmp.com/reports

Ban Appeal: https://truckersmp.com/appeals

Game Rules: https://truckersmp.com/rules

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If this is tour first time using the mod restart your pc make sure steam is online make sure your Internet is working fine. try using a wired connection do not reset your pc I don't see why you should if that doesn't work try booting multiplayer and steam as administrator

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This issue is probably down to how good the connection is to your router, if you are using Ethernet cable it would be a lot better but Wi-fi can sometimes have bad connections so I'm pretty sure everyone here would recommend Ethernet.


-Thanks, Sami


Nameless Ghoul.


Player Reports: https://truckersmp.com/reports

Ban Appeal: https://truckersmp.com/appeals

Game Rules: https://truckersmp.com/rules

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  1. Do you have any antivirus?

What is your internet speed?

Do you have updated router software?

Do you have a packet loss? Check by opening command prompt (windows key+R) type cmd and hit enter. Then type this in the Command Prompt ping and press enter and give screenshot

Have you tried running ets2mp as admin?

Do you have any other software's like google drive sync or any windows updates downloading when you play ets2 or when your computer idles, Open Task manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+del to see it . And Provide with a screenshot







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