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Hifi20098 please do not comment (almost) empty comments. (= pushing which is only allowed every three days).

If you don't understand, ask for a better explanation or ask a team-member for a translation if one is required.

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If the steering range change is not taking place, try using different usb port - i've had such issue with my DFGT. I've found the port, which works perfectly with it.

Protip: if you have short usb extension cord and you know on which port your G27 is working perfectly, plug in the cord into that port and the other end goes to your G27 for easier access


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

Instead of quoting the post above, use the ^ character. The character is actually pointing to the post above.

How to fix sudden steering issue on your USB steering wheel

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Hmmm.. Try setting it like this d81fe6e8acff305dc6256630b3cd4eb3.png


Then make sure these are right. 9229a4ec63fca00b056f749bdeeae462.jpg

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Un-check the last field "Allow game to adjust settings" and make all of your setting through logitech profiler

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:) Drop a Like if you found my answer helpfull and don't hesitate to PM me either here or on Steam :)



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Mine stopped working a couple weeks ago. I had to delete my computer recognising the usb then installed it again

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