Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 Suggestion Name: Punishment for passage a red light.Suggestion Description: Man that passed a red light gets the ban.Why should it be added: ETS2MP Team calls users to follow the European traffic rules. Nobody, being in right mind, will not pass a red light in the real life, because knows that can be punished. What we see in MP? Administrators don't punish people for passage a red light if they prevented nobody. Understanding the impunity people don't follow this rule in general. Plenty of accidents takes place exactly from it. I will repeat: if nobody will pass a red light, incidents will not be in general. 2
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 There is a ponderable difference: did not have time to put on the brakes or even did not think of it.
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 it's just easier via forum report thingy when people are recording I agree with you, but... How do you think, Game administrator punished a violator for it?
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 There are many such violators in MP, I suggest to decrease their amount. They will think that doing it is impossible when will begin to get bans. 1
[ S.PLH ] Warrior Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 Hello fallen I understand your suggestion and also the issue that comes with it , however is hard for us to control it. We cannot look into the history unfortunately, so if we receive report of running red light this is already happend ,and if the reported player doesn't do it any more we can't take action. For now running an red light is allowed unless they cause an accident , and yeah thats even hard to , unless the admins will have something to watch back some precious minuts to see what happen i don't think this will be accepted and if it do which is fine by me in this current state will not be an option. The only solution is to take a video of the running red light with an accident involved and report these, i'm sure they will be dealt with, Thank you for reading and have a nice day
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 The only solution is to take a video of the running red light with an accident involved and report these, i'm sure they will be dealt with I understood you, but you suggest to take apart video with an accident. I talk that it is necessary to punish all passing a red light. As soon as you will begin to do it, far less accidents will become. Thank you for the answer. 1
SanSay[16RUS] Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 I too against driving through red light, but how lagayushchy traffic lights - which always on red?
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 He talks about a red signal that is not commuted when server is lagging and time doesn't go in MP. 1
El1teZombiezHD Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 As said by the admins themselves, you can cross a red light but if you cause the collision, then your the one who would get the punishment Kind Regards, El1teZombiezHD [TruckersMP Retired Team Member (Ex-Game Moderator)] If you are replying to me, please @mention me (@El1teZombiezHD ) or quote my message otherwise I may not respond
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 As said by the admins themselves, you can cross a red light but if you cause the collision, then your the one who would get the punishment Passing on red is possible, driving on a meeting stripe is too possible if nothing happened? And what does a simulator grow into? 1
Rhendak Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 My suggestion: Use the search function before posting a suggestion topic. I searched for "red light" in the suggestions section and found the following topics: Since this has already been suggested, I request this topic to be locked and trashed. Emerald Immersion is a gaming community. Next to ETS2 we also play quite a lot of other games. We're always looking for friendly and open people to join us. We like to create a friendly and familiar environment. Join us on teamspeak: to check it out for yourself.
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 Why do you give these links to me? Do I write about autokick? I offer quite another... 1
Rhendak Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 You write about punnishment. These topics also go about a punnishment when passing a red light. This one already got accepted. So I don't know why there's reason to make another suggestion topic for punishment when passing a red light when one has already been accepted. Emerald Immersion is a gaming community. Next to ETS2 we also play quite a lot of other games. We're always looking for friendly and open people to join us. We like to create a friendly and familiar environment. Join us on teamspeak: to check it out for yourself.
Syntog Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 I treat red lights as yield signs, yielding to the people who have a green of course. Otherwise, i'm not waiting at a 2 minute red light. 1
Sysgen Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 ^same here, life's too short to wait when there's absolutely no one around. Besides Red lights in MP are longer than in SP. 1
Jackrabbit_V6 Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 well, tbh i have seen some people being banned for red light some admins indeed do that IF they see it... but yea,it often happens that you break a bit too late and get over the line with only your front bumper...the game punishes that, even if the wheels are still before the line, which technically isn´t a violation at all... so if there was a system implemented, that should have some tolerance added >>>Oh Lord, won´t cha buy me, a Mercedes friends all drive Scanias, i must make amends...<<
Unkeyboardinated Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 I dont agree with the banning for passing a red light, it only becomes a bannable or kickable offence is when somebody actually causes a accident with another truck while going through a red light. but if he doesent its not a problem. Yes This Is A Rainbow, Problem?
Folriden Posted September 3, 2015 Author Report Posted September 3, 2015 ^same here, life's too short to wait when there's absolutely no one around. I dont agree with the banning for passing a red light, it only becomes a bannable or kickable offence is when somebody actually causes a accident with another truck while going through a red light. but if he doesent its not a problem. Is it really difficult to follow rules fully? I understand so: rules exist in to follow them. We follow rules or doesn't follow them. You suggest to follow them partly. It's wrong.
Sysgen Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 You can follow the rules and I'll yield to red lights when there is no one around, this is a game and I won't sit there waiting for nothing for the sake of realism. I like driving alone and with others, not sit there waiting for I don't know what. Should admin also kick/ban for texting and driving, drinking and driving, not wearing your seat belt ! ! Better to just use common sense, this always works. 1
RedBull108 Posted September 3, 2015 Report Posted September 3, 2015 There are many 90 degree corners with lights in cities, there is no need to stop at those since it is like a corner in a road. Whoevher has a red light should either wait if there is traffic around or check 3 times before crossing since it is pretty lame to wait at red lights when there is 0 traffic around
_.Queen Rosalie._ Posted September 4, 2015 Report Posted September 4, 2015 although it would be nice to see red light jumping be punished its such a rarety that anything bad comes from it that its best just to ignore it happen, ive only ran reds when ive been hauling 24t downhill and didn't have enough stopping distance so checked traffic and gunned it to avoid blocking, sure its annoying that people pass the reds but it happens IRL too sometimes, things like people reversing the wrong way down a motorway with no trailer and no hazard lights should be punishable more than minor red light jumping (unless it causes accidents more and more often than not).
TheLynxster Posted September 5, 2015 Report Posted September 5, 2015 I don't think this is a great idea because many people like me have misjudged the distance to lights and gone past them by about 3 meters. -1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
VaingloriousZé Posted January 11, 2016 Report Posted January 11, 2016 Today in the same jouney I would be "rekt" by 2 dudes who doesn't know what a red light means. The troll numbers are increasing and some days they can ruin the experience. The worst was in a section of road works, where only one lane is usable. It had that small traffic light and a guy was slowing down at the other end (it was turning red for him). Then, it turned green for me and I moved on. By the time I started moving, he started too, making me go to the dirt to avoid the collision. I know this is a game, but if people can get banned to drive like 10 seconds in the wrong lane by mistake after leaving the UK with no truck in front of him until he found a section to move to the correct lane, I think this type of offenses should result in a bigger penalty too. I don't know if it's possible to do, but it should be a good thing to be implemented. +1 for me. (Sorry if my english is not clear enough. Tried my best.)
FernandoCR [ESP] Posted January 11, 2016 Report Posted January 11, 2016 ^^^ The problem is that those red lights (the ones at the roadworks) are not synchronized. Meaning that you can see a green light and the player coming on the other side is seeing a green light too. Same happens with the railways crossings, you can be stopped at a red light and see someone on the other side just go through the barriers and the train, because in his game there are no barriers or trains. About the suggestion, as it has already been said, we have to be a little permissive about RL road rules. If admins start punishing players for running a red light, they should also punish people for overtaking over solid white lines on the road, for going 70 Km/h on a road with 60 Km/h limit, for texting while driving, etc.
VaingloriousZé Posted January 12, 2016 Report Posted January 12, 2016 ^^^ The problem is that those red lights (the ones at the roadworks) are not synchronized. Meaning that you can see a green light and the player coming on the other side is seeing a green light too. Same happens with the railways crossings, you can be stopped at a red light and see someone on the other side just go through the barriers and the train, because in his game there are no barriers or trains. Oh. They're not? That explains a lot. In that case, I'm sure that will be taken care of in the future. Thank you for "correcting me" with your answer.
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