SilviuSlv Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 Suggestion Name: Collision alert to admins chat Suggestion Description: when a collision is made with another truck the message will be apper to admins chatAny example images: -Why should it be added?: it will be very helpfull to admins so they will know when they get a repot for collision. in that alert message admin will know that the player X with id 999 did that collision to the player Y with id 222
Unkeyboardinated Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 This would be annoying for the admins since it would spam their screen and its unnescary if you need to report someone for crashing into you on purpose / ramming use /report Yes This Is A Rainbow, Problem?
mikson Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 If this suggestion was implemented, admins would have really big spam. Collisions are very often. And what next? Admin teleport to the place of the collision and...? It was few seconds/minutes ago, so he can't go back in time and see it. Sorry, -1 from me. return 0; Author of the JobSync project.
Sunort Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 I think it´s a good but bad idea, good because the number of trolls and rammer would decrease a lot, but bad because they would be annoying for admins and they would reach a point in which they don´t do nothing TEAM MEMBER SINCE APRIL 2016. SPANISH / ENGLISH IGA TEAM MEMBER. how to appeal a ban how to report a user In-game rules feedback & contacting upper staff
SilviuSlv Posted June 25, 2015 Author Report Posted June 25, 2015 If this suggestion was implemented, admins would have really big spam. Collisions are very often. And what next? Admin teleport to the place of the collision and...? It was few seconds/minutes ago, so he can't go back in time and see it. Sorry, -1 from me. read again ,maybe you dont understand ... if the warning is apper the admin can kick that player even he teleport there and that player has left from the accident ... they have the proof for kick them ... and in this way i think it will educate the players to drive safe
mikson Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 And what if players just touched each other by accident and it wasn't really a collision? This notification can't be a proof for a ban in my opinion. return 0; Author of the JobSync project.
FairladyZ Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 Admins would be spammed if this happens. Also, what if the collision was an accident? Sometimes people ram me by accident while manoevering or even losing control. It can happen and i'm not reporting the guy, but with that system he would be punished for no valid reason.
Scar Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 Not a good suggestion I guess, even touching a wall or fence causes a collision :s Scar | Retired Legend You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality. Banned: HELP! - Report a player - Help - Rules - Staff recruitment - Complaints/feedback
SilviuSlv Posted June 25, 2015 Author Report Posted June 25, 2015 i think they can make something coding so the server recognize the truck or the wall.. but if you say -1 to my suggestion , its good when people is ramming you and they leave the area and you have 70% dmg ??? it's good in your mind....
[ S.PLH ] Warrior Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 read again ,maybe you dont understand ... if the warning is apper the admin can kick that player even he teleport there and that player has left from the accident ... they have the proof for kick them ... and in this way i think it will educate the players to drive safe even if the warning is there we can't kick a player just by reading a rapport ? this is not a proof, we need more proof like a screenshot or a video
SilviuSlv Posted June 25, 2015 Author Report Posted June 25, 2015 i think the proof will be when that player is make a screenshot to the ramming and you have your proof screenshot and the warning received right??
[ S.PLH ] Warrior Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 ^ if that's the case then you can report on the forum place all the evidence you have video/screenshot as for in-game if a player has taken a picture/video in-game we won't see that unfortunately , we won't get any notification
konfig0 Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 Well, what if you hit parked truck with few kph, admins get message? And then we punish the player because we get a message in chat? Wouldn't be a good solution I think, maybe it's even worse than current system. 1 I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind.. Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.
SilviuSlv Posted June 25, 2015 Author Report Posted June 25, 2015 Well, what if you hit parked truck with few kph, admins get message? And then we punish the player because we get a message in chat? Wouldn't be a good solution I think, maybe it's even worse than current system. it mean you dont know to drive if you hit a parked truck right ??? so you like when people hit you and they leave the area ...well good luck
FernandoCR [ESP] Posted June 25, 2015 Report Posted June 25, 2015 So use some gameplay recording software, Shadowplay (for certain nVidia GPUs) or OBS can save the previous x minutes, that way you'll have video proof that someone crashed you and it doesn't matter if the other player flies away, you can report him/her in the forums with the video and if admins see foul play, they'll ban the player. This suggestion would mean that in-game admins wouldn't have time to see what's happening on their screens, with more than 2000 drivers simultaneously, all the reports they receive and still, a warning for EVERY crash? It would be madness.
Gorkal1ty Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 I think admins´s PCs would explode with such a huge spam lol. 1
Guest Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 Completely -1, in covoy it's very frequent to have collisions, for example at the front of the convoy someone had an accident everybody breaks but it's too late : Admins would receive at least 5 notifications of collisions.
SilviuSlv Posted June 26, 2015 Author Report Posted June 26, 2015 but the warning can start from 40% dmg to 100% dmg .... but it's easy to say -1 , i understand now ... when someone has a nice idea and you dony have that idea you imedly say -1 ...
[ S.PLH ] Warrior Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 ^ i understand that you trying to make the work of the admin lighter we appropriate it that the community help us with that however for this suggestion i don't see any future unfortunately to let this project running good enough we must re code the collision system which can be allot of work even if the developers find a way to make this work somehow it can be good it can be a flop no one knows we can't look into the future
Guest Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 People collide with eachother all the time on accident. I personally don't really want any action to be taken against a person if it was an accident, only if it was blatently on purpose. Its a -1 for me...
Guest Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 but the warning can start from 40% dmg to 100% dmg .... but it's easy to say -1 , i understand now ... when someone has a nice idea and you dony have that idea you imedly say -1 ... 1) You know sometimes in convoy we get immediatly 100% of damage because of an important collision, but if it's a person from the convoy (And it's not his fault) I don't want an admin to ban him. So it's why I think it's a bad idea so it's -1. 2) As you see every person who puts -1 has given a reason, I know what you think when you read these comments (I made a suggestion some months ago and there was some persons that just commented it just saying "-1" nothing more, just "-1") but be happy, you have explanation about these -1 so you can find a way to make this idea a good idea.
SilviuSlv Posted June 26, 2015 Author Report Posted June 26, 2015 People collide with eachother all the time on accident. I personally don't really want any action to be taken against a person if it was an accident, only if it was blatently on purpose. Its a -1 for me... it's your convoy fault you must have some distance between trucks right???
Guest Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 Honestly SlvSilviu I do not think your quite understanding, no matter how much distance you keep between people particuarly in convoys accidents do happen, theres no stopping or preventing it, the inevitable will happen. As I said and many other people have mentioned because these accidents happen people will get banned despite whether the person who got rammed wanted the guy to be punished or not. I would not want somebody in a convoy banned for accidentely ramming into me. Just my personal opinion. The only way you could work around this is if the admins asked the person who got rammed whether they want action taken or not which would be a long process. Honestly, if you get rammed and you want to report it just report it. There is no need for all the automation. It will cause more problems than solve.
Aragon Posted July 1, 2015 Report Posted July 1, 2015 Well, what if you hit parked truck with few kph, admins get message? And then we punish the player because we get a message in chat? Wouldn't be a good solution I think, maybe it's even worse than current system. Although you're not supposed to touch anyone else's truck, I have to agree with you, not every "collision" is a valid reason to go ahead and ban someone without any further evidence. Not to mention the amount of spam administrators would get (as said above).I can think of many more things good and bad about this suggestion, but in my opinion it wouldn't really work out. ~Aragon Signature made by Aestrial
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