mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 Suggestion Name: New rule about beacons' usage Suggestion Description: In addition to the LED BEACONS suggestion, we all know that default beacon causes LAG. This means: the more trucks with beacons on, the more lag. So I'd like to porpose a new RULE about BEACONS' USAGE: SET A MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEACONS: I've seen trucks with 6 or more beacon lights. This causes a lot of lag. I'd like to porpose this equality: BIG BEACON = 4, SMALL BEACON = 2, LED BEACON = 1 You can use ANY combination which total sum is 6 Until LED beacons are added (which I hope so), another combination could be: 1 BIG BEACON + 1 SMALL BEACON OR 3 SMALL BEACONS LIMIT ITS USAGE TO HEAVY TRAILERS ONLY: This means: if you are carrying a light trailer or no trailer, you CAN'T use beacons. These are the cases when you MUST use beacons: How do I know when I can (must) use beacons? EASY: REPORT PLAYERS USING BEACONS WHEN THEY SHOULDN'T OR HAVING AN EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF BEACONS:Admins would kick a player for bad beacons' usage, or warn him/her at least. AUTOMATIC MESSAGE REMEMBERING PLAYERS WHEN TO USE / NOT USE BEACONS Any example images: DONE Why it should be added? I guess players know what I'm talking about and would be ok with having just a few beacons and use them only in the mentioned cases. This would reduce lag, specially when there are lots of trucks around. You're not cooler by having beacons on. Beacons are just a signal, which must be used for "SAFETY" (this is in real life, but hey! this is a "simulator"). Thanks for reading, mentalista666 1
RayRay5 Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 Generally good idea, except for two things: 1. In Germany and other countries you are allowed/oblidged to turn on beacons also when driving adr cargo 2. LED beacons are not beacons (per definitionem), because the definition for beacons is a light that "flickers" in a cetrain frequency. And those LEDs are made for making the truck better visible when it's dark or when there bad sight conditions, not for beacons usage "Just because others break rules, does not grant you the permission to break the rules as well" Please drive respectful on the servers. Thank you!
mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Author Report Posted June 16, 2015 Generally good idea, except for two things: 1. In Germany and other countries you are allowed/oblidged to turn on beacons also when driving adr cargo 2. LED beacons are not beacons (per definitionem), because the definition for beacons is a light that "flickers" in a cetrain frequency. And those LEDs are made for making the truck better visible when it's dark or when there bad sight conditions, not for beacons usage 1. Well, not in Spain and other countries at least: We either have those orange signs in the front of the truck in ETS2. 2. I've seen some trucks using LED FLASH BEACONS in their front. 2.1. Well, if LED beacons make trucks more visible, why wouldn't we use them? 2.2. And what about this? This is just a SUGGESTION, it's open to what other people say to modify it.
sgpch1983 Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 rayray, what §§ would that be please?? i only know if beacon use with have cargo or if you cant go as fast as you normaly would.
Cyanide_snubben Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 >I like this. I like this a lot tbh. Best suggestion for a long time as you making it easy to understand 1 World of Trucks proflie
mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Author Report Posted June 16, 2015 rayray, what §§ would that be please?? i only know if beacon use with have cargo or if you cant go as fast as you normaly would. If you CAN'T go over 40km/h or in case of truck's damage, you must use beacons too >I like this. I like this a lot tbh. Best suggestion for a long time as you making it easy to understand Haha thank you! I do my best so everything is clear Love to insert images and text format lol
mikson Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 If you have lags, you can disable beacons in options menu. 1 return 0; Author of the JobSync project.
mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Author Report Posted June 16, 2015 If you have lags, you can disable beacons in options menu. Yep, that's also true, but that wouldn't happen with LED Flashing Beacons.
Noraf Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 one more thing though, if you don't intend to keep the restrikted speed of a lowbed, don't bother with the beacons either.... Dude, this is an internet forum. You can't expect people to read stuff. Jeez. And we want players who can behave, I'm afraid we can't have what we want "Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off. "
mikson Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 Yep, that's also true, but that wouldn't happen with LED Flashing Beacons. We don't have in multiplayer LED Flashing Beacons now. Even if we had them, they don't cause lags. But anyway, your suggestion would make the mod more realistic. I have only one question: who would check, if every truck meet the requirements? return 0; Author of the JobSync project.
mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Author Report Posted June 16, 2015 one more thing though, if you don't intend to keep the restrikted speed of a lowbed, don't bother with the beacons either.... Well, we can ride too at 70km/h, but I think no one's gonna do it... I will drive at 70km/h if we set this rule. We don't have in multiplayer LED Flashing Beacons now. Even if we had them, they don't cause lags. But anyway, your suggestion would make the mod more realistic. I have only one question: who would check, if every truck meet the requirements? What don't cause lag? I've made another post to add LED Flashing Beacons to allowed mods. And well, as a player, same as if you see a player driving in the wrong lane, or crashing everyone, cheating, dangerous driving... REPORT that other player. Same that an abusive use of the horn is punished.
Lehtopoika Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 Where do you get this 40km/h? It clearly says 70 on the back of the lowbed. Imo no need to use beacons if you haul forklifts or those tractors.
mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Author Report Posted June 16, 2015 Where do you get this 40km/h? It clearly says 70 on the back of the lowbed. Imo no need to use beacons if you haul forklifts or those tractors. Article 223.2 Special vehicle drivers or special regime transport vehicles must use the V-2 light signal both day and night, always while running on roads for public use, speed not exceeding 40km/h. In addition, the ones exceeding the maximum dimensions or masses, must have light signals V-2 distributed so that it is perfectly defined the outline of the cross section of the same, in its front and rear front. It says "DISTRIBUTED", this means all around the truck, so when carrying lowbed trailers is when we gotta use beacons.
FernandoCR [ESP] Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 That can be turned around and people could start asking for punishment to those of us that don't use any rooftop beacons. I drive a lot with those "heavy duty trailers", but I use only the trailer's back beacon. And yes, when pulling one of those, I keep my top speed @70 Km/h.
mentalista666 Posted June 16, 2015 Author Report Posted June 16, 2015 That can be turned around and people could start asking for punishment to those of us that don't use any rooftop beacons. I drive a lot with those "heavy duty trailers", but I use only the trailer's back beacon. And yes, when pulling one of those, I keep my top speed @70 Km/h. Well, if you develop a special regime transport with your truck, you should have at least one small beacon on your rooftop.
I<3VODKA Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 If your game lags when someone has his beacons lights enabled, you can just disable the "Additional lights" in ETS2MP Settings, and you won't see it anymore. 3 Oficjalna grupa dla polskiej społeczności | Nowy | Facebook| Twitter | Youtube| Twitch >>> How to become admin? Click here! <<< wiadomości belgia wydarzenia belgia informacje belgia wiadomości bruksela wydarzenia bruksela informacje bruksela
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