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Posted (edited)

Since EU2 has now become a freeroam server without any speed limits, I thought it would be a good idea to suggest a few ideas that would be useful especially if the server will remain as is.


EU2 has received a surge of players because allot of people prefer to drive without speed limits while still having collision zones.

The server is not being moderated by admins as far as I can tell and therefore abusive players are taking advantage by blocking entrances or intentionally ramming other players.


If the server remains un-moderated by admins these changes would be useful:

- EU2 should have it's own short list of rules that warn and advise players that it is not moderated and playing on the server puts you at risk of griefers. You can choose to play on the server at your own risk.

- Entire cities become no collision zones to prevent players from blocking entrances to hotels and drop off's, the rest of the map remains a collision zone.


Preferably it would be great if a select few admins moderated the server occasionally (still freeroam), if this becomes the case then:

- Ramming, blocking, hacking, incorrect way, name & chat profanity/insult rules should still be enforced.

- Speeding, racing, useless traffic & light/horn usage rules should be ignored.

- Overtaking/undertaking & wreckless driving rules need to be more lenient and dependent on the specific situation.


Keep in mind that these suggestions are given in the case that the server remains as is (freeroam & no speed limit with collisions).


Due to the fact that the server has no speed limit, rules regarding wreckless driving become very dependent on the situation and admins need to decide justly if a rule has been broken. Every player drives differently, depending on the players skill and knowledge of the roads and conditions Speed will become the determining factor in whether or not they cause an accident and whether or not that accident was by mistake or on purpose.

Edited by Lboy777
Fixed *Entire cities become collision zones
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Driver: Patriot Trucking - Level: 53 - Truck: Scania S High Roof - 730hp - Miles Driven: 130,000mi - Deliveries Finished: 450 - Current Money: €20,000,000


+1 I don't play freeroam, but I'm sure there are already admins enforcing rules there ;) Just a massive difference in amount.

Happy Trucking! :)

Proud member of BLACKOUT TRUCKING. Join us now !



You can still record footage of reckless driving/griefing/blocking and upload to the report section of the forums. Might not mean you get justice immediately, but at least they still get punished for their recklessness. And -1 to the whole city NCZ idea.  Tell them your recording, and if they understand English, they will move fairly quickly :D


You can still record footage of reckless driving/griefing/blocking and upload to the report section of the forums. Might not mean you get justice immediately, but at least they still get punished for their recklessness. And -1 to the whole city NCZ idea.  Tell them your recording, and if they understand English, they will move fairly quickly :D


Yeah sure, we can still report them on the forum and add screenshots or recorded footage.

Telling the griefers that you're recording them never works though, they usually reply with "so what", "I don't care" the other day one blocker said "you can't report me, I'm an admin" lol

Driver: Patriot Trucking - Level: 53 - Truck: Scania S High Roof - 730hp - Miles Driven: 130,000mi - Deliveries Finished: 450 - Current Money: €20,000,000


The thing is ,  Server EU 2 was non collision,  and non limited..... and everyone was happy with that...

then it got changed ..... and now slowly we are clawing our way BACK to what it was again...  


The non-freeroamers stayed on EU1,  and the rest of us went to EU2.   


What was the reason for the change?   was EU1 at capacity and due to this,  EU2 was changed to match the settings of EU1,  so it could be use as an over spill server?

if so,  please create EU3 where non collision and no speed restrictions are set.    If it comes down to a funding thing.   I would happily put money down to help pay for a third server.   There are thousands of drivers ,  as you are aware,  so £/$ 1 from each of them is not a tall order. 

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