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Suggestion Name: Singapore —> Asia (server name change)

Suggestion Description: TMP should change the ‘ETS2 - [SGP] Simulation’ name to ‘ETS2 - [Asia] Simulation’.

Any example images: N/A

Why it should be added: One reason is because some people might not know that ‘SGP’ stands for Singapore. Another reason is that using ‘Asia’ is more applicable for all TMP players in Asia. It can also help people in Central Asia, Middle East & Southern/Eastern Asia to reduce their ping. Let me know if you agree.

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19 hours ago, Stashedra said:

Suggestion Name: Singapore —> Asia (server name change)

Suggestion Description: TMP should change the ‘ETS2 - [SGP] Simulation’ name to ‘ETS2 - [Asia] Simulation’.

Any example images: N/A

Why it should be added: One reason is because some people might not know that ‘SGP’ stands for Singapore. Another reason is that using ‘Asia’ is more applicable for all TMP players in Asia. It can also help people in Central Asia, Middle East & Southern/Eastern Asia to reduce their ping. Let me know if you agree.


It's a good suggestion for me. I believe there is no need for everyone to know the country that server is allocated (i.e., Singapore). Maybe the best alternative is to rename servers with a region prefix (like NA, Asia, and related).


Example: In the past (only veteran players will remember this), there was a server allocated in South America and, I believe, it was hosted at a Brazil data center.


However, this didn't mean that the server had a “BR” prefix in its name. The TMP DEV Team named it as an “SA” (South America) server.


At the moment, this server was deactivated due to low popularity and instability.

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  • mth. changed the title to Change the ‘ETS2 - [SGP] Simulation’ server name to ‘ETS2 - [Asia] Simulation’
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