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a way for people with ASD and other disabilities to be able to understand rules fully also a pay way is me just saying for people who make mistakes should be able to be unbanned by payment.

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I feel like their should be a pay for unbanning your account or like resetting the bans or something because trolls wouldnt pay for that and the drivers who make mistakes like me just due to me being born dumb asf gets banned when im just trying to drive like intended.
I do speed limit basically everywhere and the times im being stupid is when no one is around or with friends when no one is around.

 if they dont wanna pay then they just have to wait the full length of ban. seems fair for the innocent drivers who just wanna play properly.

for my ban situations, its a form or just wtf why am i banned for a mistake of following the same speed as all other 500 truckers ahead and behind
**they all overtake** and dont get banned yet when i do it its twisted and i am banned
the person who caused the problem **sped up from 30mph to 90mph**
*how is that even allowed!*
**your not allowed to speed up when overtaking it should stay the same for convoys**
the **rules are changed way to often** and thats the reason people cant follow them most times, because they constantly change it and dont **show us the new rules properly.**
the whole system is messed up
it just keeps people with disabilities wanting to hurt themself because of a mistake when **mistakes should be taken lightly unless its a purposelful action.**

the fact that **mistakes are taken too heavily** is beyond misleading and just teaching people nothing except why and then it happens again and again. there **needs to be a way for the new drivers (including me im basically only like 5 months in ish i think) to be able to understand the rules** and more context is needed for rules as some of the rules are not even accurate as they are constantly twisted. there **needs to be more detail for people who do no understand fully** like me due to not being able to understand things properly due to how im born. there should be a **more detail button on the accept new rules page**

I dont even know where to post this but its ETS2 related so maybe here idk maybe support im stupud so.


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If you gonna suggest something you should follow this format.''


Except that as far as I understand what u write I think this topic can be in off topic part because you just wrote what you think so we can discuss it in off topic part not suggestion part.

  • Upvote 1

Trolls would absolutely pay for that, they already buy ETS2 on seperate steam accounts to bypass bans.


When people get banned for a mistake they made its unfortunate, but there's usually not much of a way to determine intentions from the point of a moderator.


It's against the rules for someone to purposely block an overtake by speeding up, but 90% of the time the person attempting the overtake can just slow down a little bit and get back behind them.


I'd also point out that the rules really don't change often at all (Most of them haven't been majorly changed in 3 years), and any time they do the game brings them up and forces you to read them before you can connect.


End of the day, I don't recommend overtaking in populated areas for nearly any reason, even if the person ahead of you is slow.

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  • True Story 1



i was overtaking on a highway you would call it i think and some guy came out from a fuel station onto highway at 30mph I got over to left lane they in the right lane sped up from 30mph to 90mph when I was doing 90mph at the time due to it being a big straight and trying to keep up with the person i was following since i dont know where im going. the guy sped up so much i couldnt get passed them so i slowed down after seeing ahead it goes into a one lane but they slow down too so i speed up again and they speed up so in the end i panicked and tried my best to make it into one lane and turn and crashed because they would not let me in behind or infront of them. and i appealed but somehow got declined even though the person intentionally didn't let me in. i usually dont ever overtake unless its really needed say a 50mph zone and someone doing 20mph but i would do it safely and not in an area with queue build up or housing.




I think you don't understand the purpose of a ban, it's precisely to make you understand the mistake of the person at fault, except the trolls who do this absolutely all the time..

And if you are banned by mistake, the feedback is there for just this, and if the error is proven your ban is removed.


So the idea would really go against the rules currently in force, especially since the trolls will pay without problem given the number of times they recreate accounts and buy ETS2

  • HaulieLove 1
  • True Story 1



5 hours ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

**they all overtake** and dont get banned yet when i do it its twisted and i am banned

the person who caused the problem **sped up from 30mph to 90mph**
*how is that even allowed!*

**your not allowed to speed up when overtaking it should stay the same for convoys*

If that was the case where the person sped up while you were overtaking them, you need evidence to prove this. Imagine if someone purposefully caused a wreck, then simply said "Oh they were actually speeding while I was overtaking" without having to actually prove it, the GM will unban them immediately.

5 hours ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

the **rules are changed way to often** and thats the reason people cant follow them most times, because they constantly change it and dont **show us the new rules properly.**

When the rules have changed and you start the game up, a tab opens with the new rules and a changelog to what rules have been changed. Also the fact that you have to scroll all the way down in order for the accept button to be clickable.

5 hours ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

it just keeps people with disabilities wanting to hurt themself because of a mistake when **mistakes should be taken lightly unless its a purposelful action.**

the fact that **mistakes are taken too heavily** is beyond misleading and just teaching people nothing except why and then it happens again and again. there **needs to be a way for the new drivers (including me im basically only like 5 months in ish i think) to be able to understand the rules** and more context is needed for rules as some of the rules are not even accurate as they are constantly twisted.

That's what bans are for. It'll teach you not to repeat that same mistake again. Hurting yourself over a driving simulator is nonsense.

5 hours ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

there **needs to be more detail for people who do no understand fully** like me due to not being able to understand things properly due to how im born. there should be a **more detail button on the accept new rules page**

Every rule has an explanation to it that SHOULD be easy enough to understand. For example, §2.2 Collisions - "Causing or attempting to cause a collision with another player intentionally or due to negligence." This also includes collisions that were made on accident. https://truckersmp.com/rules

3 hours ago, P h o e n i x said:

When people get banned for a mistake they made its unfortunate, but there's usually not much of a way to determine intentions from the point of a moderator.

This as well.


Oh and there would be almost no point in banning anymore if you could pay in order to get unbanned. Trolls will absolutely love this option.




Since this suggestion has already had some discussion, I do not want to reject this out of the gate. Therefore, please edit your original post to meet our format requirement within 24 hours. 









Appeal your ban - Report a player - Create a feedback ticket


no troll would want to pay £50 to have all account bans reset when they can buy the game for £4, you guys must be insane if you think a troll would pay that instead of just using another account. also no point me fixing to a format i cant even understand how to do, might aswell throw the idea in the bin like always.. im not like most people i cant do such a format, literally just delete this suggestion instead of taking good ideas.


Look at TruckersMP ID. It more then 5 000 000. 5 millions times TROLLS ARE PAYed.




Yes, they are PAY. All of them have 7 or more accounts.


suggestion must be like this: increase SPEED OF VIEWING WEB REPORTS AND INGAME TO.


MORE BANS = MORE MONEY. (more COUNT of bans, not a duration of bans)



16 minutes ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

you cant even make another account as far as im aware as it is a permenant ban and they probably block your hardware so i dont know why you think people have more than one account...

It's always been like this, a lot of players I reported had at least 3 accounts x)




so basically just quit playing ets2 basically lol, as a driver who spent so much on this game to drive like normal to be on my 4th ban and basically done for because my brain isnt born properly basically truckersmp just bullies disabled people and we all get perma banned for small collisions, its disgusting. a one month ban is beyond stupidity for someone who wants to drive how the place was made to be driven at the speed limit and following road rules. yet also getting persuaded and pushed by other drivers to go faster. i think truckersmp has kinda lost hope honestly like its just smashed together and now it just doesnt get updated anymore to be playable to those who want to use it for the intended purpose of driving.

RIP TruckersMP...



So in my understanding, you want me and my colleagues of moderation team to be paid for doing our work? Like getting paid for unbanning people, even tho they broke the rules? I simply failing to understand it as well I do not think players will pay for to get unban, when the ban have been issued incorrectly. - In my perspective, I would rather spend money on something else, than trying to get unban, no matter how cheap or expensive it is.

TruckersMP works fine with how it works now, by making an appeal and moderation team could re-consider the situation about the specific player who make an appeal. 

We bully disabled people? I've not exactly heard this, but it is kinda the same as saying "TMP banning me, because I'm black" (Which have been said a lot of times) or similar. Which being incorrectly facts - HOW should we know you being disabled? What colour skin you have? Or what excuses people could find. 

Regarding the format, it is pretty simple to follow, you just have to copy + paste it in the comment. Then you have to answer it. 


I have ASD (professionally diagnosed), and yet I've only had 1 ban in the span of 8 years. I don’t have trouble understanding the rules at all. Granted, I'm high-functioning, so there are many people who have it much worse than me.. but the whole topic around disabilities is extremely complex in itself. Nobody in the GM team will know you're disabled until you tell them, and some people's disabilities aren't severe enough that their driving won't be a threat to people around them.

That leads to a plethora of more questions though. We don't have driving tests like in real life, so what would be considered disabled enough that you're given a pardon for your actions? It also sounds a lot like an excuse, so when would it be considered an excuse when your driving is poor, or when trying to get out of a ban? Isn't being disabled enough all the more reason for them to be more careful than the average player? Isn't that something that should be taken to their GP? How would the GM team even know if they're actually disabled or not?


You're also failing to take into account the fact that if they don't get punished properly for their "mistakes", it basically enables them to continue that same behaviour. A simple kick is nothing more than a slap on the wrist towards behaviour that needs to be prevented. I've seen it countless times, time and time again, people only get kicked for them to just do the same thing again 5 minutes later when you've stopped monitoring that area (at least, from a GMs perspective).

I also think someone earlier mentioned that as a Game Moderator, you don't really know what someone's intentions are. Unfortunately, from a 10 second video of someone else's perspective, an epileptic seizure that knocks you out will look exactly the same as if someone deliberately took their hand off the wheel and caused a scene. In that case, you don't really have a choice but to assume the worst, otherwise you'd just be letting someone who had the latter intention get away with what they did... without any sort of punishment. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty unlikely that you'll have a seizure at that exact moment, and someone may just use the fact they had a seizure to explain their actions.. but the GM team wouldn't really be able to tell if they're being truthful or not.





the person who caused the problem **sped up from 30mph to 90mph**
*how is that even allowed!*


It's not. §2.5 - Reckless Driving includes speeding up while being overtaken.





I feel like their should be a pay for unbanning your account or like resetting the bans or something because trolls wouldnt pay for that


I guess it would depend on the price.

Bans are in place for the purpose of getting you to acknowledge your mistakes. The bans stack up if they are repeat offenders in a 12 month period.

If you can buy an unban, what's the point of having bans in the first place if you can just buy an unban without learning anything from your ban? 


23 hours ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

you cant even make another account as far as im aware as it is a permenant ban and they probably block your hardware so i dont know why you think people have more than one account...

For people who know how it works it's not that hard to evade that system by spoofing the actual details that TMP uses to identify the user. There's a russian group of ban evaders, many of which have 5+ banned accounts they used to speedhack/cheat on.


21st August 2024 - Joined Support Trainee.

- 6th September - Promoted to Trial Support.

- 7th October - Promoted to Support.


27th November 2024 - Joined Testing Team.


@WolfBoiGaming, considering the fact that you are currently banned and have 4(!) active bans, your topic gives the impression of rant.


Players have to agree to follow the rules if they want to use the TruckersMP services. They can and should therefore be held accountable for their actions.


If some players can pay to be unbanned while others can't, it not only undermines the fairness, but also weakens the threat of possible consequences, which may even encourage players to inappropriate behavior.


I'd prefer a punishment system that treats every player equally fair.

  • Like 1
Guest LT-[LU*TU]-EL

I don't think you're right to ask the question

All players should read the rules when they enter the online game, rather than regretting it when they find out they have been banned

If you can use money to unblock, then this rule is equivalent to nothing


everybody who posted here has a valid point, but no matter what I can't understand why me as a person who used to play TruckersMP played everyday for 8+ hours a day minimum doing the speed limit constantly with some faster times rarely due to having to follow someone who ended up getting me banned because of their stupud speed, I quit the game as I dont wanna ruin it for my sister who wants to play it more than me and they said they can't play, because it says something about being banned or something when they made their account and wanted to play so i quit playing the game as i can just play the other 99 games i have installed lol like assetto corsa or 7DTD, minecraft etc. atleast they can enjoy the game with understanding unlike me sadly. i dont think i would ever play the game again atleast in TruckersMP which is sad, because it has potential its just not there for me. i spent so much on the game to be able to play and the fact that we cant cause the smallest collision in beyond stupidity for a game that most of the time your not even doing what the video says due to the lag the game servers have. there should atleast be a place where you have to pay to be in a special server where you cannot get banned permenantly for being in but it cost something like £100 one time purchase, etc. still have 1 week bans everytime something is done wrong, but the bans stay 1 week everytime. if a troll pays £100 to be in a server with speed limit on etc then wow idk, its gonna happen no matter what, but with such a price i dont think they would invest when they could join sim 1 for free. who knows though these days its kinda all messed up. also is there a patron server? i actually do not know, but again you should never be permenantly banned and at the worst case it should be a 3 month ban at the longest due to the change that can happen within 3 months and it would be also amazing if TruckersMP had a course thing where people could learn to drive by having an instructor or something, its not impossible, but i dont think they would care to have it.

53 minutes ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

everybody who posted here has a valid point, but no matter what I can't understand why me as a person who used to play TruckersMP played everyday for 8+ hours a day minimum doing the speed limit constantly with some faster times rarely due to having to follow someone who ended up getting me banned because of their stupud speed, I quit the game as I dont wanna ruin it for my sister who wants to play it more than me and they said they can't play, because it says something about being banned or something when they made their account and wanted to play so i quit playing the game as i can just play the other 99 games i have installed lol like assetto corsa or 7DTD, minecraft etc. atleast they can enjoy the game with understanding unlike me sadly. i dont think i would ever play the game again atleast in TruckersMP which is sad, because it has potential its just not there for me. i spent so much on the game to be able to play and the fact that we cant cause the smallest collision in beyond stupidity for a game that most of the time your not even doing what the video says due to the lag the game servers have. there should atleast be a place where you have to pay to be in a special server where you cannot get banned permenantly for being in but it cost something like £100 one time purchase, etc. still have 1 week bans everytime something is done wrong, but the bans stay 1 week everytime. if a troll pays £100 to be in a server with speed limit on etc then wow idk, its gonna happen no matter what, but with such a price i dont think they would invest when they could join sim 1 for free. who knows though these days its kinda all messed up. also is there a patron server? i actually do not know, but again you should never be permenantly banned and at the worst case it should be a 3 month ban at the longest due to the change that can happen within 3 months and it would be also amazing if TruckersMP had a course thing where people could learn to drive by having an instructor or something, its not impossible, but i dont think they would care to have it.


Please try to understand that the rules exist for a reason and that everybody who uses the TruckersMP services is equally bound to follow the rules.

If you think that you were unfairly banned, you are entitled to appeal that ban. This however doesn't mean that your ban will be lifted.


Regarding your suggestion I can guarantee you that the TruckersMP team will not agree to it for the obvious reasons.


Use the time of your ban to think about your mistake and understand what you can do better.




Guest If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

I am playing TruckersMP nearly every Day, for several Hours in a row! I have no Ban, as far as i know, i do not violate any Rules on purpose and i Drive 99% of Time with Simulation Setting and Speedlimiter activated! The Result, i can Drive in D-C Area and got Rammed, Cutted Off, Flipped Over, Taunted and Insulted on Purpose by Other Players, multiple Times. As Example, 94x on 10th January, 48x on 12th January within 30 Minutes while a Moderator passing the Scene Twice and Advertising his own Twitch Stream, and so on and so on.

The Funny Thing is, if i Drive far Away from any Populated Area, its like i am the Only Tree in the Desert. If i encounter, after 1 - 2 hours of Lonleyness on the Road, another Player and there is no Guardrail between us, there is a 85% Chance that the other Player chose the "1 Tree in the Desert" Option and ramming me off the Road. 100% that this happen, if i met 2 Players in with Cars!

And you want to Pay to get unbanned?

As Sim Player who Obey the Rules, driving carefully and trying to avoid and not to Cause any Accident, can i Pay Money to make sure that i am able to Report all Incidents in Time to make sure that the Trolls get what they deserved? I guess not!

The whole Situation on the Server is out of Hand, and i am not blaming the Moderators, because they are leashed by intern Rules.

But, when i take a look back at the last Rule Changes by TruckersMP, it would not surprising me when this Suggestion would be accepted!



its hard for anyone to understand who does not play the game everyday, but i use speed limiter all the time, the only time i do not is in convoys an thats why i keep getting banned due to the convoys, everyone is speeding and everyone is just purposefully trying to be infront constantly so most of the people talking here doesnt understand that i dont break the rules lol in convoys they do 90mph and i was in winter physics doing 80mph, the convoys were handled poorly and i dont think ill join a convoy ever again from truckersMP let alone even play the game for a while i dont wanna get perma banned for everyone driving like a complete idiot and ill just stick to my sim 1 D - C route whenever i decide to play, but i dont wanna ruin the game for my sister so i think i just wont play for abit while they play and then ill only play when i am safe from other bans as the 12 months backwards they cant count the ban as the 5th ban from what the rules say and it should be a one week ban if somehow i get one. if its not then their website is lying entirely and i dont know. but i wont play until the end of the year somewhere when my bans basically disappear but not entirely. 




your repeatedly assure your innocence and see others at fault.

At the same time, you describe and admit that you don't have a clean slate after all.

And your punishment history supports the claim that you don't follow the rules.


So what is this suggestion really all about? And what is your true motive?


One thing you should have learned by now is that two wrongs do not make a right.

Just because other players violate the rules doesn't mean that you can or should violate the rules.

Because in the end, you got punished and they did not. And that should already enough of a lesson for you.


And you will not buy yourself out of your punishment. Period. End of story.

  • Upvote 1

I don't agree with this idea at all. The purpose of the punishment is to make the player understand why he was banned and not to do it again. Those who have money will pay to open it, but those who do not have money will not be able to open it. Where is equality?

5 hours ago, WolfBoiGaming said:

Dünyaya bir bakın aptal, eşitlik mi? Bütün dünya adaletsiz ve sen eşitlikten bahsediyorsun tamam. ve bu sohbetin bittiğinin farkındasın çünkü bu sadece benim gibi aptal insanların görebileceği bir nokta. yani asla anlayamazsın

My friend, just because the whole world is unfair doesn't mean you should act unfairly. If you negatively affect someone else's game, there has to be a response. This is true not only for this game, but for all games. Maybe they will do as you say, I don't know. I'm just stating my opinion here. What you said is not the solution. Trolls are removed from the game because they negatively affect the game. This is called punishment. I agree with you at this point, I have no experience in punishment, but you have been banned four times, you are more experienced in this regard. I wish you continued success. Have a nice day.

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