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  • Senior Community Manager
15 hours ago, Popeye_27 said:

How do you get to the TMP Christmas Island?
Where is it located on the map?


Hey! The Winter Island is located in the middle of the North Sea, between the United Kingdom and Denmark. You can access the island by taking the ferry from either Rotterdam or Newcastle to Bergkirchen.


This has also been added to the blog post, thanks for noticing! 

  • Like 3
  • Thanks 1
  • HaulieLove 1

Kind regards,

Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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  • Senior Community Manager
26 minutes ago, Victorix said:

Vicc, great idea with the screenshot contest. I will definitely take part in it!


Thanks for the compliment, it was a team effort, so I will definitely pass that on.


It is great to hear that you are so excited about the contest, we cannot wait to see your pictures! Make sure to also share them with us on our socials with #TMPWinterIsland and #TMPWinter!

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Kind regards,

Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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6 hours ago, Mishka66 said:

Скриншоты можно обрабатывать в редакторе?



21st August 2024 - Joined Support Trainee.

- 6th September - Promoted to Trial Support.

- 7th October - Promoted to Support.


27th November 2024 - Joined Testing Team.


Guys, I have a problem. This mode is not working for me, it just says (when connecting to server) that "frosty_v9_7.scs is invalid or corrupted and says to redownload it through the launcher. I downloaded it yesterday twice, and after second download it worked and i didn't think much about  it anymore. I tried to connect to server today and it's just saying same problem. Help..


I really enjoyed this contest. I'll definitely be participating! Thanks Vicc.🥰

Mica_TMP | TruckersMP Player

DBus World | Translator     

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