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42 minutes ago, Andalusi Trucker said:



i have deactivated Going East DLC on Steam.


I have writen the command "-dlc_dep_cont" in start options in properties in ETS2 in Steam and it works in Singleplayer but in MP not work.


I want to play MP without Going East DLC.


Can anyone help me please to solve this problem ?




Hello there, 


First of all, welcome to TruckersMP Forums! 🙂 @Andalusi Trucker




In case you want to play without any dlc you bought to your steam account, you are free to do so, easily unclick the current DLC and then launch TruckersMP without writing any code there. 


I have writen the command "-dlc_dep_cont" in start options in properties in ETS2 in Steam and it works in Singleplayer but in MP not work.

You don'ť really need to write such a this code, honestly don't know what that means - > So, remove this from the properties and Start TruckersMP Launcher and it should been working, however keep in mind, that the saves you done might called you that some parts, or DLC is missing, even so ignore it and let the game load. 


Hope it helped to you! 


[MCG] RedWolf [CZ]

TruckersMP Patron Master Trucker & Veteran Driver IV | MCG Expert Driver 

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