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30 minutes ago, ShawnCZek said:
  • The map icons of members of the same virtual trucking company are highlighted using a different color
  • The highlighting of other members has a priority over Steam friends by default. This can be customized in the settings


Haven't even seen this in-game yet, but already loving it. Finally I can make all my Prime people Purple, and Friends another color haha




31 minutes ago, ShawnCZek said:
  • Removed the ban length from public ban messages


This one I don't understand. Why was this change made or needed?

Prime Logistics Event Team

2 hours ago, ColinShark said:

This one I don't understand. Why was this change made or needed?


1 hour ago, Liklas said:

Thanks for making TruckersMP VTCs less useless but I cannot understand the removal of the ban length...Why?


51 minutes ago, Scottish Lad said:

"Removed the ban length from public ban messages"    Why? 


People have asked this in the Discord as well, and this is the message from 3v:




And then again, it's not a big change, nor does it matter really.

If you still want to know how long someone has been banned for, you can search their profile on the website and you'll see.

  • Thanks 1

<--> | English / Dutch | <-->



< Need help with anything? >

< Someone broke the rules? >

< Got banned unfairly? >


Thankfully the confusing Ban- Messages have been removed! Now replace them with:  " Player XY lost his TMP Driving License and have now enough Time to talk with his Personal Game Moderator about the Reasons!"

Tired of being Banned and Insulted for Reckless Driving/Overtaking?! Join the "6x4-300" Horsepower Gang! Experience Real Truck Driving and Chilled Acceleration!

4 hours ago, TimeTimes said:

People have asked this in the Discord as well, and this is the message from 3v:



And then again, it's not a big change, nor does it matter really.

If you still want to know how long someone has been banned for, you can search their profile on the website and you'll see.


I had understood that the ban duration wouldn't be shown on the TruckersMP Profile anymore. But this is just for the in-game "announcements" when someone gets banned.

So I do actually agree with this change too lul

Prime Logistics Event Team


I think the removal of the ban duration message is a mistaken change, now an admin can ban a member of his VTC for 1 day and ban any other player more strictly for the same infraction, the player from the same vct will obviously not complain about being benefited, while the severely punished player will not be able to complain because he no longer knows who banned him to compare the punishments. The game needs more transparency and the latest changes go in the opposite direction.

29 minutes ago, IgorTMT said:

I think the removal of the ban duration message is a mistaken change, now an admin can ban a member of his VTC for 1 day and ban any other player more strictly for the same infraction, the player from the same vct will obviously not complain about being benefited, while the severely punished player will not be able to complain because he no longer knows who banned him to compare the punishments. The game needs more transparency and the latest changes go in the opposite direction.


The ban duration is still visible on the banned players TruckersMP Profile.

It will just not be shown in-game when the ban is issued anymore.

Prime Logistics Event Team


Myslím, že odstranění zprávy o délce banu je chybná změna, nyní může admin zablokovat člena svého VTC na 1 den a zakázat jakéhokoli jiného hráče přísněji za stejný přestupek, hráč ze stejného vct si samozřejmě nebude stěžovat na to, že je prospěšný, zatímco přísně potrestaný hráč si nebude moci stěžovat, protože už neví, kdo ho zakázal, aby porovnal tresty. Hra potřebuje větší transparentnost a poslední změny jdou opačným směrem.

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