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Small web report overhaul


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Suggestion Name: Small web report overhaul

Suggestion Description: Anyone who's made a web report has to put the video link in the description panel and denote if it's longer then 2 minutes. Along with a brief explanation of what happened from your POV.

Any example images: No.

Why should it be added?: It would make the web report system a little easier to use, streamlined if you will. Past & Currently filed reports are unaffected by this. All future, new, reports will be using this.


Web Report Layout (Green indicates a change. Blue indicates new.)

  • TMP ID.
  • Date of the offense.
  • Server.
  • Reason.
  • Video Link.
  • Question asking if the clip is over 2 minutes.
    If yes, the time must be added.
  • Explain what happened.


Date of the offense. Since the server logs whenever we play on the server and what we say in chat. Why not have it detect the last sessions you've played (within the 14 day reporting limit)? This will help narrow it down. Additionally, why not show a "replay" map that shows you where you have driven. Like a trail. And clicking on any part of the line will show the UTC time. This will take out the guesswork of "Was it at 13:50 or 17:59?".


Reason. There should be a checkbox, or a way, to add multiple offenses to file it under. Instead of having to decide what the biggest offense you are reporting them for is. And, it can help staff know what to lookout for so they don't have to watch the whole clip and checkoff everything they put when you are banned.


Explain what happened. This is a renamed "Description" box that allows you to explain the clip without having to post the clip.


Video Link. Self Explanatory. Allows the video link to be isolated. Perhaps show a link preview of it (in addition to keeping the link as text) can help verify if the link is correct, like previews do on the forum.

EXAMPLE. The report seen below is from 2021. (Not discussing it, just using it as an example).

Text: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mBVG8oYIP4




Question asking if the clip is over 2 minutes. This will ask "Is your clip longer then 2 minutes?" If they say no, it displays as no. If they say yes, another prompt appears asking you for the clip time. You could type in a value and choose Minutes. Then, the other box would be for Seconds.


I chose yes.

[#] <---Numerical Value Box | [#] [Minutes/Seconds] <------ Dropdown box to choose only one.

[3] [Minutes] | [14] [Seconds]. I used Pi as an example.

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Hello there @Somehow Lucky


After I have carefully read your suggestion I came out with thus outcome. 


- Improving of report system in thus time is really important as the number of reports still increase each day. 


What would I improve? 

- Change the rule 1.4 - > especially the evidence must not be older than 14 days. Since the report system being really busy, I'd change that to more 20 days. 


- Improve the report system and try to find out some logistics system.


- Create a team that would handle only Website Reports (Website Game Moderation or Idk), however still need to go through training period. 


I honestly don't know if the Staff are interested in our opinions, creation, etc, but sometimes they should listen us cause we can be right.


Hopefully, your idea will be discussed


Kind Regards,

RedWolf [CZ]

TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV I MCG Veteran Driver 

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I personally don’t see the need to change anything about the web report system. It is extremely easy to use, for each section you just select from the drop-down list until you get to the comments section. 

The only thing I would change is the ability to create one report, but include multiple drivers (for example if 2/3 drivers are blocking or all drive recklessly which has happened in the past with a couple of my clips) 

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  • 1 year later...
  • Community Manager

Hello @Sunstrider,


Thanks for your suggestion! We are considering solutions to make the web report system simpler and more user friendly.


Therefore, we are happy to accept your idea, and include it (in full or in part) in a future rework of the system.


Have a great day!

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