Guest Posted June 11, 2023 Report Posted June 11, 2023 My suggestion For your first 2 bans given, you are banned from Simulation servers but still granted access to the arcade server Why should this be added? Sometimes getting a ban can be easy, and it is certainly extremely easy if you are a new player playing TMP for the first time and you are not familiar with the rules yet. So i suggest if people get banned, the 1st 2 times you still get access to the Arcade server. This is on one hand, a punishment, because you are banned from the popular simulation servers, but on another hand, it is like a warning because it gives you the chance to still play online, even if it is in Arcade. i am not saying that every ban would allow this. For example, hacking, insulting somebody in chat, save edit violations could all fall under the category that does not allow arcade access. Not everybody that is issued a ban deliberately goes online to get banned, this is why I am making this suggestion. Allowing arcade access as mentioned can be seen as a punishment still, but also a less severe punishment for your first two bans. This is also a good opportunity to educate people about the rules of the game. Any bans that are given when a person has 2 active bans (so this being a 3rd) would be straight full server ban! Any Arcade access would be down to Game/report moderator discretion after reviewing the evidence provided. Not every Collision or reckless driving report deserves a complete server ban! This is my personal opinion there may be people that completely disagree and that is absolutely fine, but I do personally think my suggestion is a good one and a better way to educate drivers of the TMP Rules. please vote and leave a comment!
D r P r O b L e M Posted June 11, 2023 Report Posted June 11, 2023 I think it's a good idea, But if the suggestion is approved all people who get banned will connect to arcade mode. and this server will be busy too, so this will be fun for bad drivers... But it still a good idea... Have a good road and take care ! Regards, DrPrObLeM 1
Almira xeltz. Posted June 11, 2023 Report Posted June 11, 2023 Hi @Martin_V First of all, thank you for sharing a good suggestion with us through the forum. Yes, it is possible for all of us to get banned when playing on busy servers. It is up to us to provide a clean and calm driving experience. but since the report system is intensive and returns are delayed, I think they will look at such ideas if they remain fresh. Banned players are usually banned for their own mistakes. A player who drives well and cleanly will calmly wait out a ban and not make the same mistake again. arcade servers are already free of all prohibitions except ncz and cheating, we need to play by taking this into consideration. All our behaviour in the game is our responsibility Kind regards, by_almira
Guest [OCSC Event] Antho Posted June 11, 2023 Report Posted June 11, 2023 2 hours ago, Martin_V said: My suggestion is, if you get banned, you still get access to the Arcade server. why should this be added? we all know sometimes it’s easy to get a ban, sometimes the bans are soft, but any bans given in my personal opinion, should be from busy servers (like Sim 1,2, event servers) and I just generally feel that allowing them to use the arcade server, which is less strict is a good thing. Sometime people only play TMP so allowing this is still punishing the behavior because they would still be banned from the popular servers which they likely got banned from!. Of course, they would have to be some exceptions, like hacking, CB miss use etc, but things like blocking, reckless driving, could still give you access to Arcade. This could be a rule too that this only counts if you have say 2 active bans on record in 12 months, so if you get banned a 3rd time you automatically get banned from all servers. That's clearly a nice idea. TMP should work on it, since many years many ppl are thinking like your idea but apparently as I heard from TMP, they won't add it due to the fact they think ppl who get banned will not learned their errors by always having access to the servers (like example here arcade). I think also, it's rude from TMP to ban the players on ETS2 and ATS (every servers).. If you was banned on ETS, why should we get banned too on ATS ? That's 2 different games, with the same rules of course, but the system of punishment on TMP is already strict so maybe they should add your idea on their system yes...
Interstate Nomad Posted June 12, 2023 Report Posted June 12, 2023 After the TruckersMP team invited permanently banned players back to their servers, I think it's safe to say that the situation won't get any more worse if you let banned players continue to play during their ban time. 1 2
[ S.PLH ] Warrior Posted June 12, 2023 Report Posted June 12, 2023 what is the point of a ban system if we let the players still play on our server ? the whole point of that they will learn from it and not get privileges to play on a server while being banned. They are banned because they broke simple rules so of course they should not be allowed to play at all. If we take such silly decision then revoke the ban system with rules completely and let everyone do his/her thing on the server without possibility on being banned in the first place. But i tell you it gonna be mess and no one will actually enjoy it still.
Guest [OCSC Event] Antho Posted June 12, 2023 Report Posted June 12, 2023 Because we're used to a strict punishment system... If we thought differently, example allowing players to continue playing on arcade servers that don't include collisions, this would allow players who have broken the rules to continue to flourish while having limited access. This would certainly also limit ban evading, which means more work for the TMP teams.
Interstate Nomad Posted June 13, 2023 Report Posted June 13, 2023 9 hours ago, [S.PLH]Warrior said: If we take such silly decision then revoke the ban system with rules completely and let everyone do his/her thing on the server without possibility on being banned in the first place. But i tell you it gonna be mess and no one will actually enjoy it still. Why so catious? Did you already forget the recent silly decisions made by the TruckersMP team? May 2022 TruckersMP Rules Update In this rules update, permanent bans due to history are disabled and the perpetrators are welcomed back to the TruckersMP services. Project Update: Back to Basics In this update, the TruckersMP team officially buries Road To Simulation and everything that Euro Truck Simulator respectively American Truck Simulator were meant to be used for. 1
[ S.PLH ] Warrior Posted June 13, 2023 Report Posted June 13, 2023 Of course i did not forget, i can understand why the removal of the permanent ban was issued cuz to much ban evading and also some issued some years ago as people change and become mature they earn second chance. But not when they are banned and still be allowed to play that is whole different story. even not on arcade. The project was indeed in my opinion a bad move cuz i do love realism. but to be fair we listen to the community and most votes want to step away from it. I know you cannot make everyone happy so at least compromise a bit. Anyway for this suggestion i won't support it 1
FernandoCR [ESP] Posted June 13, 2023 Report Posted June 13, 2023 On 6/11/2023 at 10:34 PM, Martin_V said: we all know sometimes it’s easy to get a ban What I do know is that it's easy to play for more than 8 years and not get banned. Even with a lot harsher moderation than the current But in this matter, I'm with Warrior. One thing is to make the punishments softer, but allowing people to keep using TruckersMP servers while they are still banned, that's like removing punishments altogether, IMO. Right now and if I'm not wrong, those "soft" offenders who are banned "sometimes" don't get more than 14 days bans. Probably most of them don't get even a week. And if someone can't bear that punishment, they don't belong in a multiplayer environment (again, IMO). 1
Interstate Nomad Posted June 13, 2023 Report Posted June 13, 2023 A positive discipline aims to teach how to improve a behavior and therefore must be reasonable and related to the problem. In comparison, a punishment or negative discipline only (temporarily) stops a behavior. If you allow a perpetrator to continue to use the TruckersMP services, what do you actually teach, and what will he or she learn? It's like saying, "You messed up, and because of that, you may continue." I consider the chance, that such discipline changes let alone improves a perpetrator's behavior, very slim. 1
Fast-rider Posted June 13, 2023 Report Posted June 13, 2023 To be honest, I don't see a reason why this should be implemented. Bans are issued as a punishment when someone is breaking the rules. Where is the punishment when you still give them access to the TruckersMP Servers? Should someone who got banned for §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing (for example if they were using speed hacks) still have access to the Arcade Server? Deffinetly not, as they can still use their speed hacks on this server and break the rules again. Also someone who got banned for §1.5 - Inappropriate use of language can still insult others on the Arcade Server. This change would only be an exclude from the Simulation Servers instead of an actual punishment.
Guest Posted June 13, 2023 Report Posted June 13, 2023 6 hours ago, Fast-rider said: To be honest, I don't see a reason why this should be implemented. Bans are issued as a punishment when someone is breaking the rules. Where is the punishment when you still give them access to the TruckersMP Servers? Should someone who got banned for §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing (for example if they were using speed hacks) still have access to the Arcade Server? Deffinetly not, as they can still use their speed hacks on this server and break the rules again. Also someone who got banned for §1.5 - Inappropriate use of language can still insult others on the Arcade Server. This change would only be an exclude from the Simulation Servers instead of an actual punishment. This is the exact reason why I even said, in my suggestion, there would have to be some exceptions where when you are banned, you are banned from all servers, which would include hacking. My feeling is if you get banned for reckless driving, collisions etc, why should you also be banned from the arcade server when you can’t get banned for these in that server in the first place? The point of TMP is driving together, so by banning people from driving together on simulation servers is still a punishment in itself, but it also reflects that this is just a game, which is where you still have access to the more lenient arcade server for certain types of bans. I also mentioned that this could be implemented when you have so many bans on record, so if you have 2 active bans, then get banned a 3rd time, you would be banned from all servers.
djoh Posted June 14, 2023 Report Posted June 14, 2023 On 6/12/2023 at 12:39 AM, D r P r O b L e M said: and this server will be busy too, so this will be fun for bad drivers... Collisions are disabled on arcade server, so why not? Spoiler 21st August 2024 - Joined Support Trainee. - 6th September - Promoted to Trial Support. - 7th October - Promoted to Support. 27th November 2024 - Joined Testing Team.
Guest killiash Posted June 14, 2023 Report Posted June 14, 2023 Every day, 50-100 reports are sent on the site, and now count how many banned players per month? I think that after receiving a ban, most of the players are not even upset. Online stable daily 3000 players, every day the same violations but from new faces. Therefore, as mentioned above, access to the arcade during the ban will not give a lesson to the player for his violations. Sorry for my bad English.
Sunstrider Posted June 15, 2023 Report Posted June 15, 2023 While i like the idea of being only able to access Arcade during a ban, it won't teach anything. I already have somebody in my reports (among the last few reported) that didn't learn their lesson from my report. They instantly did the same nonsene and received an even longer ban. Being able to not play is a justified punishment if you can't appeal. Some players just don't learn or won't change. It's better that they can't play. It means that there's 1 less offender to worry about. While there are new faces doing the same nonsense, they will get reported. Though, the banning system could use an overhaul instead of 2 weeks then 2 months for each additional ban in a short timeframe.
FernandoCR [ESP] Posted June 15, 2023 Report Posted June 15, 2023 1 hour ago, Somehow Lucky said: Though, the banning system could use an overhaul instead of 2 weeks then 2 months for each additional ban in a short timeframe. AFAIK, 2 weeks is the top that a moderator can issue without a Manager's approval. This, since the "softening" of the punishments that came just before "Back to Basics". 30 or 90 days are instant for 4th and 5th active bans, but even a 20 days ban for 1st to 3rd ones, currently, would need to be approved by a Manager. I doubt that the punishments will go back to what they used to be, let alone harder. 1
^Ares^ [ITA] Posted June 15, 2023 Report Posted June 15, 2023 Hello @Martin_V, First of all thank you for taking the time to write this idea. In my opinion it's not a bad idea, because in the "Arcade" server there can be reckless players who drive incorrectly if there are no collisions with other players and therefore do not create danger. But it would be better to be able to create a specific server for banned players (NOT permanent bans) with stricter rules. Those who have had permanent bans should no longer play on truckersmp but only in singleplayer. There would also be a downside to this idea because it would also be better for a banned player not to use the multiplayer game until after the ban period has passed. Kind regards, ROMANISTA [ITA] TruckersMP Veteran Player
Guest Posted June 15, 2023 Report Posted June 15, 2023 If you’re talking about punishments, then you’ve got to ask yourself how it is acceptable for people to get banned six times in just a 12 month period? These are constant rules breakers anyway. Even my last report, the person had 3 active bans already! So when you take into account the actual amount of time in that 12 months, a player is banned for when you work it out it is the equivalent of being banned six times in just eight months (or something like that) To me, it’s clear that the current bans are not working (even if the recent survey suggested people were happy with the current ban lengths) My suggestion is to give people with less than two active bans a chance, but possibly make future bans more harsher. At the end of the day, like it’s been stated most people that get banned are regulars so surly, by making the frequent banned players harsher punishments you are taking the work load off the report system, but you are also giving a chance to the players who have less bans. my thoughts are bans 1-2: Limited to arcade server for 14 days ban 3: Banned from all servers for 28 days Ban 4: Banned from all servers for 2 months ban 5: maximum 6 month ban ban 6: scrap being banned first twice is limiting you to just the arcade for 14 days which in my opinion is quite harsh because it’s not allowing you to play within the popular servers during that time.
Interstate Nomad Posted June 16, 2023 Report Posted June 16, 2023 ^^ TruckersMP just weakend punishments and I don't expect them to change that to the opposite anytime soon. 1
Niuro Posted June 17, 2023 Report Posted June 17, 2023 On 6/11/2023 at 11:34 PM, Martin_V said: My suggestion For your first 2 bans given, you are banned from Simulation servers but still granted access to the arcade server -> Reasonable, but unwise. Just Sim1 is plenty. ProMods should remain accessible. Why should this be added? Sometimes getting a ban can be easy, and it is certainly extremely easy if you are a new player playing TMP for the first time and you are not familiar with the rules yet. So i suggest if people get banned, the 1st 2 times you still get access to the Arcade server. This is on one hand, a punishment, because you are banned from the popular simulation servers, but on another hand, it is like a warning because it gives you the chance to still play online, even if it is in Arcade. -> People are slapped with the rules upon registering an account and upon lunching the mod for the 1st time. If the person is inconsidered, then it's that person's fault not reading section 2. Locking people from Sim 1&2 is a great choice. Everybody starts with vanilla content first, so ProMods should be excluded from this case. Arcade is MEGA punishment on its own, especially for expencive wheel owners (real simulatio players). i am not saying that every ban would allow this. For example, hacking, insulting somebody in chat, save edit violations could all fall under the category that does not allow arcade access. -> Insults... what about the CB-radio. These fly like its nobody's business, especially on CB-19. Not everybody that is issued a ban deliberately goes online to get banned, this is why I am making this suggestion. Allowing arcade access as mentioned can be seen as a punishment still, but also a less severe punishment for your first two bans. This is also a good opportunity to educate people about the rules of the game. Any bans that are given when a person has 2 active bans (so this being a 3rd) would be straight full server ban! Any Arcade access would be down to Game/report moderator discretion after reviewing the evidence provided. Not every Collision or reckless driving report deserves a complete server ban! - You forgot the most used - blocking. This is my personal opinion there may be people that completely disagree and that is absolutely fine, but I do personally think my suggestion is a good one and a better way to educate drivers of the TMP Rules. please vote and leave a comment! Please, check my remarks. To elaborate further, TMP has laxed requiorements for new game and report moderators or pay no attention to who they accept, only that they have very positive Discord presence. The moderation teams have plenty of bad apples and care not to clean house, thus we write these suggestions, because of their innability to control their own staff. People like myself will never become moderators for one specific reason - having a driver's license = he knows what he's doing. TMP are afraid of people like me. 1
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