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Suggestion Name: Name search bar in VTC applications

Suggestion Description: Like we have a name search on the website to look up any user, I think it would be useful to have a similar feature in the VTC applications page to look up a user who has applied to your VTC.

Any example images:  I have quickly made something in paint just as an easy visualisation.

Why should it be added?: It's just easy to find users that way. A quick way to see how many times they have applied in the past already. Or when they are kicked you can instantly find the kick reason that gets posted in their application form. I think most VTC's log this stuff internally already anyway. But probably because there isn't an easy feature build in the VTC page to find all this stuff, because you lack the ability to quickly find a user's history in your VTC.

Anyway, I hope I am not the only one who may find this feature useful and that it may get accepted and implemented into the website. ?


Have a nice day!

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Kind regards,



Driver - Bruijn Logistics


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