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Suggestion Name: Increase Rule 2.8 punishment period

Suggestion Description: In light of the recent change to 2.8, I would like to suggest we increase the punishment period for a banned user. 


The current system uses the following system:

  • The first 3 bans are issued at the staff member’s discretion.
  • The 4th ban is thirty days.
  • The 5th ban and consecutive bans are ninety days.


The proposed idea uses the following system:

  • The first 3 bans are issued at the staff member’s discretion.
  • The 4th ban is thirty days.
  • The 5th ban is hundred and eighty days or 6 months.
  • Consecutive bans are ninety days added onto the duration of their last ban.


Any example images: Not an example image but

If an individual has been banned for the 6th time, their ban length will be 180 + 90 = 270 days or 9 months.

If an individual has been banned for the 7th time, their ban length will be 270 + 90 = 360 days or just under a year.

And so on. Just a note that perma bans cannot be issued.


Why should it be added?: I feel a 90 day consecutive ban is too short for repeat offenders and will merely make no difference, or worsen the current trolling problem addressed in the post below. As this mod is very popular, it is unlikely people will even forget about or abandon the multiplayer mod if trolling brings them to amusement. 


I'm aware trolling cannot be solved all together but I feel this change, where the punishment becomes more harsher per ban they receive, will most likely make a difference to their overall behaviour. In addition to this change, this gives them an opportunity to reform their past behaviour as their ban length increases with the amount of bans they have.



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