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Where icons are located and how to put them into licence plate



[Sorry for my bad English]
Today I was trying to put icon into license plate on my truck. The problems is...I cant understand where are they located.
Earlier I found this topic where guy has the same problem as me and he got the answer that icons (.mat files) are located in base.scs/material/ui/
I extracted that file and cant find any .mat files but ones on folder font and I am not sure that's what I wanted. All I want is a Scania or YouTube logo in my license plate as I saw these on other players. 
So can someone please help me to get those files or just tell me where are they located?
Thanks for reading and I hope ill get the answer soon!

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4 answers to this question

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If the only .mat files that you are seeing are in the font folder, then it is very likely that the extractor has either failed to finish, or simply hasn't yet finished. It will close itself once it's finished, and that may take a while depending on your system. So I recommend you extract the base.scs file again.


Also - Make sure you are using the official scs file extractor, normal file extractors like 7-zip or winrar may fail to extract it or not extract everything.

You can get it here: https://modding.scssoft.com/wiki/Documentation/Tools/Game_Archive_Extractor

Just copy the base.scs file to a different folder with the extractor in it, then drag and drop the base.scs file onto the extractor and it will extract the files.


Once you find the .mat file you are looking for, you will have to change the width and height of it in the license plate - that will take some time.


Also keep in mind, using any of the .mat files outside of material/ui/ will most likely crash the game. It won't break anything and it will not corrupt the save, but I say this to save you time when looking through and trying the files.

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Hello there, 

We are glad to hear that your problem has been solved.  
Thank you, to all who participated. Have a great day!  

TruckersMP Support 

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