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Hey dear Game Producer @Smoky and all the Staff Team! 


Hope, you are doing fine, anyway


First of all,


I want to say, huge thank you for your hard work over past 7 years what is been TMP on the world! ?

I am really glad, that I can see a great team and your Stuff work, which is still better and better, you are my legends.  ? Since, I am on this community, I have played over 4,000 hours and I still like it  ❤️

Also,I am remembering on beginnings of this community, when I got an message by my friend, that Euro Truck Simulator/American Truck Simulator have some TruckersMP Mod, where I can play with others friends. I imeddiately went there and register. It is really nice memories. Sometimes, we should look into past back, and we will discover, that TruckersMP has great project and for 7 years there were a lot of changes, which had changed our playing and all feelings, and that is for what we deserve to hear huge thanks! 

I am proud of you! 

Keep that work up! 

I trust you ?


Kindest Regards,
RedWolf [CZ] 



  • HaulieLove 1
  • Awesome! 1

Thanks for sharing this, Smoky. I can say that I have been waiting for such information for a long time. I also respect the entire Community Team, the work they do is seriously incredible. I hope for better things to come. My best regards.

Kind Regards,




Well an interesting turn for TruckersMP. I've always wondered what was going to happen with the funds from Patreon. I have always wanted to see more tranparency about it.
I think I have mentioned it before regarding potential benefits of being a patreon but I will make my suggestions here too:

  • TMP Merch at a reduced price.
  • Special Patron only merch.
  • Patron competitions where people can win actualy items.
  • Larger upload capacity on forum.
  • Larger private message capacity on forum.
  • Patron only servers.
  • Patrons get to keep alternate cars for longer or they do not disapear.
  • Patrons can get closer community action. EG included in upcoming decicions, like a poll.
  • Patrons included on credits when videos are made.
  • Unlimited /fix.
  • Ability to free cam a longer distance.
  • Exclusive Patron events.
  • Ability to teleport to fixed places that are not near a garage.

These are just some suggestions, I constantly have thoughts of things that could be done.
Thank you for providing more insight into runnings, can't wait to hear more. 

  • Upvote 6

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