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Hey there! 


This kind of truckmod, we can say (tandem) is not supported in MP. Thats only mod to singleplayer. 

Many times similar/same suggestions was declined. You are allowed to drive with them in Singleplayer


You check out the Steam Workshop, but download the trailers, which are compatible for TMP. Check out the link below. You can use a mode that suits your like.
Link :  https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=227300&searchtext=Trailers+For+TMP&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=textsearch&section=home 


How to use:
1. Download the mod in single player;
2. To buy a trailer from a dealer;
3. LogIn to TruckersMP.

You can create your own trailer aswell here: 




Also, please do not forget to visit this topic, that is about DLC, which are supported with TMP. You can find some trailers (Krone Trailers, Schwartzmuller) and map dlc, that support double trailers. 




Hope, my asnwer will helpful for you! 


Have a nice day 


Kindest Regards,


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Hello there! 

Since you got your answer, I will go ahead and move this topic to solved topics.  Thank you so much DragonFly for answering. 
If you have anymore issues in the future, feel free to open a new thread in our forum or to create a support ticket on our website: https://truckersmp.com/support

Kind regards,
Winter~ | Support 
TruckersMP Team

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